This may totally go against bro code, but many men have some unsavory traits that other men completely hate. From weird traits to some less than desirable behavior, here's what real men have to say about their fellow guys.
Lots of Pent-up Aggression
“I hate the guys who drink and try to fight everybody, including their own friends.” (Source)
It Works Both Ways
“I hate the guys that are so judgmental about how attractive women look, yet they themselves are ugly motherf–ker. ‘There are no hot chicks around here! Where are they all at?’…. You shut the f–k up you ain’t a jalapeƱo yourself, dicksnot.” (Source)
Seriously, It’s Everywhere
“Who the f–k is ripping out their pubic hair and scattering it all over toilets and urinals across America?” (Source)
Don’t Flatter Yourself, Straight Guys
“I hate how other straight men automatically assume a gay person is hitting on them whenever the gay speaks to them. Like, no, you’re not that attractive, Mark. Gays don’t think, ‘I want to f–k the s–t out of that guy’ every time they see another male.” (Source)
It Really Would Be Great
“If everyone could stop pissing on the floor in front of the urinal THAT WOULD BE F–KING GREAT.” (Source)
Talk About Balls
“When my roommate walks around the house with his balls hanging out of his pajamas to establish dominance.” (Source)
Comment Creepers Are Desperate
“When guys comment on girl’s Facebook pics with idiotic crap like wow sexy, hey beautiful ;), and other things that reek of desperation.” (Source)
Take Some Pride in Your Manhood
“Men who constantly bash their entire gender to try and impress women with how different they are. If you’re trying to be ‘not like other men’ to get laid you are EXACTLY like other men. Not being a total douche isn’t some kind of valiant rebellion against your darker nature and society’s expectations, it’s just being a decent person and most of us pull it off without constantly having to remind everyone how much worse we could act.” (Source)
Pathetic Domestic Bullies
“Men that treat their girlfriends/wives like s–t just because they can, and they know they are not gonna leave them. I am not talking about straight domestic abuse, but just being a f–king jerk. I mean, sometimes couples can fight and have a bad day, but I have seen guys straight humiliating and pushing their partners like they were petty subordinates, instead of a lover and a friend.” (Source)
It’s All About Dicks
“Everything is a dick measuring contest.” (Source)
Well, That’s Just Spiteful
“That a lot of them can grow a full beard without childish, visible patches.” (Source)
Don’t Act Like You Have a Sitcom Marriage
“Guys who hate their wives. They act like it’s normal to hate being married or something, but it sounds miserable. My wife is my best friend. I can’t imagine it any other way.” (Source)
Learn Some Life Skills!
“Dudes who can’t fend for themselves when it comes to domestic duties. Learn how to cook a couple meals, clean a toilet, turn on a vacuum, and develop some other simple homemaking tendencies.” (Source)
Dangerous Hidden Rage
“I’m not sure if this is common with other guys, but some guys, whom you’ve never met, who you just pass on the street, will look at you like they want an excuse to beat the s–t out of you. Maybe that rage they have for their boss, their stepfather, whatever is suddenly and potentially me. I think most women would be shocked to know how many guys walk around with real rage issues ready to become unhinged at the first slight to their machismo.” (Source)
There’s More to Life Than Sex
“The importance we place on sexual conquest. And sexual boasting in general. You don’t need to constantly remind us of that one time you convinced someone to touch your dick.” (Source)
You’ve Had a Lifetime to Practice
“You’ve had a dick for your entire life, sit down if you cannot aim your piss.” (Source)
Confident and Nice Would Be a Great Combination
“I hate how the most confident guys are often the meanest. There are plenty of exceptions to this, but it happens too much.” (Source)
Surprise Dick Pics Are a No-No
“When they send dick pics to girls out of nowhere. It makes us all look bad.” (Source)
Can’t Stand These Guys
“I can’t stand the guys that think every single woman on the planet wants them. I can’t stand the guys that only ever talk about getting laid, and you’re a b—h if you don’t join in. I can’t stand the guys that need to fight another guy for every little incredibly minor issue.” (Source)
Terrible Fashion Sense
“Dudes that wear tapout shirts and fedoras…and say bro a lot.” (Source)
Stop Putting Each Other Down
“The whole idea that male friends have to constantly put each other down as a form of bonding. There’s something to be said for being able to take a joke, and to laugh at yourself, but it seems like every time you get at least 4 guys together one of them becomes convinced he’s Don f–king Rickles.” (Source)
Flinch-Inducers Need to Cut it Out
“Come on guys, flinching just means flinching. Stop lunging at me from 5 inches away, it doesn’t actually mean anything except that you’re an a–hole.” (Source)