In any really close relationship, there's that moment where it just clicks that you're going to love this person forever.
Sweetly Sharing Secrets
“They never make you feel embarrassed when you’re with them. I’ve told my bf so many embarrassing stories about myself and I’ve asked so many stupid questions but he has never made me feel embarrassed OR stupid about these things at all.”
Listening and Responding
“Taking the time to (at least attempt) to understand what you’re feeling when you are upset. The ability to empathize with someone you are arguing with is a skill not many people have, and it is one to be treasured.”
A Man of Infinite Wisdom
“‘You know, there’s a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don’t all bring you lasagna at work.’ -Silent Bob”
Stay Warm Out There
“I was about to leave for a long trip one cold morning when she stopped me and gave me a scarf and a warm hat. She put it on me and made sure it looked right, gave me a nice smile, a kiss, and told me to stay warm. I still remember that moment fairly often, especially on cold mornings. It’s kind of a reminder when times get bad that somebody really loved you, at least for a little bit.”
Chicken Soup and X-Men
“When I first met my wife I had to cancel one of our first dates because I was really sick with a sinus infection. I called her to tell her and she said ‘Hold on, I’ll be over in a little over an hour with the cure.’ She showed up with homemade chicken noodle soup (that tasted like my grandmom used to make) and a copy of X-men First Class (which she knew I hadn’t seen yet). She spent the night by my side taking care of me. She gave up her weekend to be with me while I was sick. That was the moment I fell deeply in love.”
The Shields Are Down
“When you can comfortably start conversation knowing that the judgement of the other person won’t be petty or defensive. Just honest opinions shared.”
Quid Pro Quo in Love and Friendship
“To me the biggest sign of ‘green flags’ that give me an indication that someone is a keeper as a friend or otherwise is by the way they reciprocate effort and show actual care about your well-being. Relationships aren’t one way streets. You shouldn’t expect someone to be your friend/partner if all you do is give and get nothing or nearly nothing back. That’s not how real relationships work. If you want to receive you have to give. Period. Real friends/partners will happily give you a slap on the face to set you straight or sit down and have that talk with you if that’s what needs to happen for you to realize your mistakes. I get it, none of us are perfect and we all make mistakes but I’ll be damned if I let one of my friends do something really stupid that they’ll regret for a long time.”
Petty Fights are Petty
“My boyfriend and I were having a huge argument and he had to leave for work. He still came up to me, gave me a kiss and said ‘I love you.’ I gave him a weird look… he then said ‘We’re fighting right now, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you.’ Big green flag right there.”
Simple As it Gets
“If they make you feel good about yourself.”
If That’s What Turns You On
“We can have an honest discussions on what we like and don’t like in bed and whatever kinks we have.”
Getting Better Together
“Commitment to helping you be a better person, while also open to any assistance in becoming a better person themselves.”
Are You Thinking What I’m Thinking?
“This is going to sound odd, and it’s probably just my experience, but when your minds go to the same place at the same time, and you can have a full conversation with just a look… or one person thinks it and the other person says it. My husband (12 years together) and I have been doing that since the night we met. When they make sure to actively show appreciation and don’t just get lackadaisical. Tags on Facebook, random butt gropes as they go by, snuggles in the morning before you both have to get up… just little things that let you know they’re happy to be around you.”
Make Me a Part of Your Life
“Instead of playing games, they follow through. Call when they say they are going to call. Show up to things they said they’d go to, and on time. They make you a priority.”
Let’s Work it Out
“When we disagree on something, we talk about it instead of yelling at the top of our voices at each other.”
And Work it Out Some More
“For me it was more that, when mad, she didn’t just say shit to hurt me, she would just focus on the issue. Big change and it makes soo much difference.”
A Passion for the Passionate
“They have a passion that they pursue. I don’t care if it’s knitting, cooking, programming, scientific research, playing the kazoo, whatever. As long as they have some sort of skill or career that they put time and energy into regularly and seek to improve rather than just working a job they hate and watching Netflix until they die.”
Earn Your Own Keep
“Not entitled to my money. My girlfriends seem to think I’m required to spend money on them, even though they are financially independent. Don’t get me wrong, I offer to pay for dinner, spend lots on Christmas and birthdays, and I do buy them things, but every time I don’t they get like ‘You don’t love me’ or some shit. My current girlfriend doesn’t do this, and I’m so fucking happy.”
No Room for Spite
“They don’t talk poorly about any of their ex-lovers. Obviously there are reasons as to why they are now exes but they don’t start bashing them and name calling. Also someone who treats anyone in the service industry with patience, manners and a positive attitude. That says a whole lot right there.”
A Friend to the Animals
“When they’re nice to your pets, they’re a keeper. The first time I had my boyfriend over, he woke up before me. I woke up to the sounds of him talking to my dog and playing with her and I was instantly swooning.”