His Love Was Off the Chain

I got a keychain from my bf that said ‘bad girl’ on it. It was the last keychain at the gift shop in Niagara Falls on Canada day, and he knows that I love keychains. He waited in line for half an hour to buy it. I was kind of confused at first but then he explained “hey, it was either this or ‘Alan'”. I wear this thing on my keys on this day (Source)
She Opened the Jar and Found…

Favorite present from my now husband was when we first started dating. He wrote down dates and places of different things we had done together on little pieces of paper and put them in a little jar… i.e. ‘first kiss – 9/8/14 Hibernian Cafe’. It was adorable. I still have it and read through it sometimes. (Source)
She Was a Real Cow

Last year my boyfriend bought me a jersey cow. It’s not really unusual for our life style but I imagine not everyone ends up with a cow for Christmas. Her name is Belvedere aka Belle. He bought her from the auction market, much to the relief to the former owner who said, and I quote, “I’m so glad she didn’t go for meat, my (grown) daughter is in Australia and she was heartbroken when I said I was gonna bring her to town. She’s so sweet and kind and hey, wanna see some pictures of her with her head stuck in stupid places?” (Source)
His Thoughtful Lunch Almost Made Her Cry

I had a boyfriend who made me my own lunchables. He noticed that I would constantly eat them and how expensive they were for what I was getting. I was in law school at the time and was constantly stressed and joyless. He bought lunchmeat, crackers, cheese, and capri sun and he even put in a little packet of fruit snacks. He called them “Greg-Ables” and he sent me to school with them. The first time he made them I was so touched that I almost cried. (Source)
He Read Her Like a Book

I had mono back in August, and not only did my boyfriend make sure I stayed stocked on Gatorade and protein bars, but he also bought me a new book by my favorite author, and stayed in bed reading to me until I couldn’t stay awake any longer. I absolutely love it when he reads to me, but it makes every nap better knowing he will be snuggled up to me when I awake, deathly ill or otherwise. (Source)
Everything Turned Out Just Duckie

One time I was late to a rehearsal that I had completely forgotten was on my schedule and I ran all the way there weeping because I was so scared of being fired for being unprofessional. (It ended up being fine, I just got reprimanded a bit.)
After rehearsal was over, I walked out of the building and he had shown up to pick me up. He had gotten me a piece of chocolate cake from the grocery store and a rubber duckie because “You can’t be sad when you’re holding a rubber duckie.” (Source)
She Discovered How Well Organized He Was

While not traditionally romantic, my SO took care of all of my little needs when I was overseas for two weeks. Gas tank filled, apartment spotless, laundry done, plus a bottle of my favorite wine waiting for us. I was so blown away by all of attention to detail! (Source)
His Tokens of Love Remain Close to Her Heart

He took me to an arcade and bought me like $100 worth of tokens and we played the same game for hours and then bought lots of the little cheap prizes. I still have them all, including a little mood ring with hearts on it, and a lamp that’s a shark that lights up different colors. (Source)
Each Gift She Opened Smelled Like Him

My fiancĂ© had to travel for a year and this would have been the first time we were apart. So he spent weeks putting together a box of gifts that would tide me through till the next time I saw him. Each gift was spritzed with my favorite cologne of his. & there was a note with a reason to be opened on each, such as “on a cold winter morning” (which was a pair of beautiful j.crew leather gloves) or on our anniversary. Although the gifts themselves were amazing, I was more blown away by how much thought he had put in to it. (Source)
He Chimed In, and She Loved It

My HS bf made me a wind chime of wooden hearts. Hand carved and strung. Had that thing hanging in my room for years even after we broke up. Loved it (Source)
She Adores Him for Giving Her a Monster Gift

So, my first real boyfriend was an amazing man that listened to me and really cared about me. I like to tell stories about how my brothers and I grew up. One day I mentioned that every Christmas, I would fall asleep to the sound of my dad watching Monster Truck Jam on TV. Partly because of that memory, I love monster trucks. My boyfriend bought us tickets to go see them in person. He hated monster trucks. He hated the noise, the crowd, everything. But every year for my birthday, he bought tickets and took me to see them. It’s unique and romantic because I don’t know of many guys willing to forgo their own comfort like that for someone else. And he listened to me and surprised me with something that he knew would mean a lot to me. :’) That goofball. (Source)
Surprising What a Little Paper and Glue Can Do

Back in college both my boyfriend and I were pretty broke, so when my birthday rolled around I wasn’t expecting anything much. Indeed, he gave me only a birthday card for the occasion, but it ended up being one of the most romantic presents I received because it was entirely handmade! He didn’t even write anything in the card – instead he had drawn paper cutouts of the two of us with our cat, glued it in, and drew pictures of balloons and other decorations. I know it sounds cheap but I was touched by how he made the whole thing from scratch even though he’s not particularly good at arts & crafts, but it was clear how much time and thought went into it. So sweet!! (Source)
He Mapped Out Their Best Memories

For my last birthday, my boyfriend got me a big world map for our apartment to put on the wall. Attached to this were photos of us in all the places we had traveled together and then labels for all of the places we want to go. We have done some wonderful trips together so far so there were a lot of my favorite pictures up there. The card was simple and just said “to my favorite person and travel partner, I can’t wait share more memories with you and add to this map as time goes on. I love you.” (Source)
She Made a Comment, and He Did This

I had mentioned in passing while we were at a store that I wished I had a dress with long sleeves to wear in colder weather. That Christmas I was surprised when he got me a dress (I had never had a boy buy me clothing before). He told me he remembered my comment and took one of his female friends that was around my size to try on dresses and help him pick one out. For that same holiday he also got me a makeup bag with a picture of our dog printed on it and inside the makeup bag was a spare key to his apartment. (Source)
Automated Special Memories are So Cool

My Boy-toy wrote me a program for a “complement machine.” Anytime I was feeling down I could open the program, and hit a button for either a memory or complement. The memories were little moments of us like, “remember that time when we went on a walk, and you got scared by the raccoon? I really liked holding you in the dark.” Complements were things like, “You look so beautiful today, and I don’t even need to see you to know.” (Source)
His Thoughtful Gesture Lifted Her Spirits

I’m a photographer (like, actually – was in military as photog for a while) who has incredibly low self esteem, especially about my work. For my birthday, he (also a photog) took a photo that I took while we were out together on a shoot and blew it up huge, like 2×3 feet or something, edited the image so my signature was on the bottom right hand corner, and framed it.
Physical gifts are nice, but knowing someone believes in you is the best gift of all. (Source)
He Pulled Strings for This Important Visit

My boyfriend surprised me with a trip to Pittsburgh (flight and hotel included) so I could visit the crash site on the 20th anniversary where my Dad’s plane went down. He had to use his connections to a Governor who contacted the PA Governor to grant us access to the site (it’s private property). I later learned from my mom that family is supposed to be allowed access. But still, what he went through to get me there means the world to me. (Source)
How Jerky Bacon Lovers Express True Love

Bacon roses on stalks made of Slim Jim’s with leaves made out of home made beef jerky. Also, a huge homemade chocolate bar and extra jerky. He’s a keeper. (Source)
A Perfect Gift She’ll Cherish Forever

I’m autistic and the first book I’ve ever read that featured an autistic person was ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.’ It felt like I wasn’t so different, I wasn’t the only one like this. Someone else was like me. It pretty much shaped my adolescence. When I started dating my current SO, he searched for the perfect gift for weeks for Christmas. He bought me the first edition of the book, signed by the author. I cried like a baby. It was just adorable on so many levels. I cherish that book like my baby. (Source)
He Surprised Her with His Lovable, Awkward Steps

About 9 months into the relationship I attended my SO’s brother’s wedding. We’d been living apart for a couple months whilst I was away on a work assignment, so it was a few days we’d have together before flying off to our separate cities.
It came to bridal waltz time, everyone’s on the dance floor and SO takes my hand. After 26years of dance tuition I’m at home with everything from pirouettes to the electric boogaloo, but he is a side-to-side-out-of-time-with-the-music kinda guy. To my immense surprise, he holds me in ballroom pose and begins a jerky, awkward, but definite waltz step.
“I learned it off YouTube for you”. Best gift ever. (Source)
He Didn’t Waffle Around with This Awesome Gift

Around this time last year my boyfriend kept telling me he found me a gift he wouldn’t be able to top for years. I was really confused because I sincerely didn’t have a major want, and could not figure out what this item might be. He was REALLY excited about it. Cut to Christmas, I am home at my parents and he had to stay home for his family and for work. He had had my gift shipped to my mom and she had wrapped it for him. He insisted on being on the phone when I opened it. Opened it….and it was a waffle iron. But not just any waffle iron….the SAME model waffle iron that my parents had received when they got married in 1985, that I grew up with and that they still use at home. I had often talked about how much I loved this waffle iron, it is so much better than so-called “Belgian” waffle irons for sale today, and that the only model I’d want was this old GE one like my parents had. I had never really thought this was a possibility. He had heard my waffle iron speeches and called my parents to ask what the model number was (they even happened to have the original manual that came with it), then found it and purchased it on Ebay. Best. Gift. EVER. It was already in the works, but we got married about a week later. And man, that thing does make the best waffles. (Source)
An Old Photo Leads to a Warm Surprise

I was looking at old photo of me when I was a little, I must have mentioned that I missed the teddy bear i’m holding in the photo, I really loved that bear as a kid. A few weeks later I had a parcel delivered and it was that same make of bear. That was so sweet. (Source)
His Love Was Eternal Like This Beautiful…

The guy I was dating all through middle school, high school, and into college once got me a bouquet of roses with a note attached.”I will love you until the last rose dies.” It was an artificial rose, perfectly hidden amongst the bouquet. (Source)
While She Sang, He Created Toasty Comfort

My husband bought me an electric blanket while we were dating. It was Christmas. I have hypothyroidism and am always cold. We were having a rare ice storm/whiteish Christmas. It was Christmas eve and my church’s worship service at midnight had been canceled due to bad weather, but they were broadcasting a previous service over the local cable channel. So I broke out my candles and grabbed my hymnal and hunkered down in the living room to have my Christmas eve service. My then boyfriend was in the bedroom. Somehow he smuggled the blanket into the house without my noticing, and managed to put it on my bed with clean sheets and cover it with my bedspread all while I was singing “O Come All Ye Faithful” at the top of my lungs in the other room. He plugged it in and turned it on. So I crawl in bed expecting to freeze my ass off because of the ice storm raging outside, and instead am greeted by toasty warmness. If you’ve never been so cold your stomach ached on a consistent basis, you’ve no idea the bliss of slipping into a warm bed heated by an electric blanket. Every time I get into the bed with my electric blanket it’s like a warm hug. It’s the most romantic thing anyone’s ever done for me. (Source)
Each Bead Meant Something Special

For our one year anniversary, a boyfriend bought me a Pandora bracelet. It had 12 beads on it, one for each month we’d been together. Each bead was representative of something special we’d done that month (one was an airplane for a trip we went on, one was a cat because we adopted our cat that month, one was a sushi bead for our first date,etc). He created a time line of our relationship. I was so touched that he put so much thought into the beads, and it was easily the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received. Did I mention he’s since become my husband? (Source)
His Framing Skills Won Her Over Big Time

For my high school graduation, my parents got me this frame that had the letters cut out to spell out the name of my high school. It was one of my favorite things in my bedroom but two years later, my house burned to the ground and I lost everything. For my birthday after that happened, my college boyfriend handmade another frame like the one my parents got me, but spelled out the name of our college. It was definitely one of the top presents he’s ever gotten me in the past 8 years of our relationship. (Source)
He Was On the Meatball When It Came to Romance

When I was I was a freshman in college, I had been flirting with one of the guys who lived on my floor. I had mentioned that I’d never been on a proper date before with my previous boyfriends. It was always ‘lets go hang out at the mall with our friends’. One night he told me to dress up, and that we were going on a date. Considering we lived on campus and neither of us had cars, I was seriously confused. After walking halfway to the parking lot, he said he had forgotten something in his room. So we went all the way back. We got to my room, and I noticed a sign had been put on it something like ‘ristorante’. We went in and apparently all of our friends in the dorms transformed my room into a mini restaurant complete with candlelight, soft music, and spaghetti & meatballs. To this day, it was the best gift I’ve ever received. (Source)
A Locked Box, a USB…and a Wonderful Mystery

I was dating a guy who also dabbles in network security. One year for Christmas, he sent me a lock pick set and a locked safe box (I love puzzles and breaking things). I picked the lock to find a few small “inside joke” gifts, a key to his house several states away, a key for the safe box, and a USB. Once I got into the USB, I found that it contained several puzzles for me to solve in ways that taught me new methods, each leading to a small gift when solved – for example, an encrypted image that was a bitcoin wallet. Nerdy, but it was unique, and the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received. (Source)
She Felt Special When He Gave Her a…

It’s funny… even though he’s gotten me really fabulous expensive gifts, the one that sticks out the most is a milkshake. I’m in my senior year of college, and due to a scheduling mixup, I have class for ten hours a day one day a week. I had a really bad day at class, and came home and just pretty much melted into a sad puddle, so I texted him to see if he wanted to come over and cuddle. He showed up 45 minutes later, having driven way out of his way to my favorite burger joint to get me a fancy hot honey milkshake because he knew I was having a bad day. Gave me a back rub and stroked my hair while I drank that milkshake in bed… gah. He’s so perfect. It was knowing that he really thought about what would cheer me up and how to make me feel special. (Source)