Kids are going to be kids, but when these parents defend their kid's's unbelievable how childish parents can really be.
Not So Fair Warning.
“A friend of mine has 2 boys, both the same age as my girls. Both boys have behavioral issues, and my friend and her husband (both teachers) have some interesting views on child-rearing. Because of their behavior, I tried to keep our socializing kids-free, but she kept asking to meet up with the kids and I finally relented. Our younger kids were about 4. Her son was being really aggressive with my daughter, and my friend wasn’t doing anything about it. I was just doing my best to keep him away from her, but at one point my daughter climbed up onto the couch where her son was seated. He said to her, ‘Get off or I’ll kick you.’ I made a move towards my daughter to get her out of harm’s way but it was too late – he just drop kicked her right off the couch. My friends reaction? She looked at him and said, ‘Well done kiddo! You warned her first!’ (Source).
No, Not In Good Fun.
“‘It was all in good fun! He’s done this plenty of times and no one’s gotten hurt before!’ That doesn’t sound too bad, right? Well, it was said by the mother of an 18 year old man who had killed the son of the woman she was speaking to. The first woman, Anna, was talking to Karen, the mother of Stevie. Stevie was a boy in his early teens who had attended a party at Anna’s house, hosted by her son Bob. Bob likes guns and he had quite a few of them. That night he decided to show off one of his automatic handguns by ‘playfully’ pointing it at the younger boy Stevie. Bob said he didn’t know the gun was loaded. He shot Stevie in the chest, in front of all the partygoers. When the ambulance showed up the boy was already dead. The mothers, Anna and Karen, knew each other well, and Anna showed up to the funeral. Karen got understandably upset when she saw her, and began to ask why she had allowed her son Bob to play with guns. Anna thought it was Karen’s fault for allowing her son to attend a party where most kids were a little older, and finally said the above phrase to the mother of the victim” (Source).
“Harmless Opinions.”
“My school’s 10th graders have a bit of a tainted reputation. Our unit has about 50 10th graders (it’s a small school), and 4 months into the school year, 3 of those students have already been expelled. I have quite a few stories about them, but one in particular is about his crazy parent coming to his defense. In May, we had a rumour going around that said a 10th grader stood up in the middle of class and screamed ‘Heil Hitler!’ while performing a Nazi salute. Apparently, the student’s parents were called, and they were appalled that my school would punish the boy for what he’d done. According to them, the school was ‘attempting to manipulate their son’s harmless opinions and force him into believing in their leftist ideals.’ The teacher who was teaching his class at the time later confirmed the story. He ended up suspended for two days or so, and we had a lot of fun reminding the boy that we are all Latinos (I’m from Brazil) and neo-Nazis apparently don’t like that very much” (Source).
Wasn’t Expecting That!
“Oooooo, I have a good one! Children, come, gather around the fire, for Uncle Garrett has a tale to tell! Many years ago, I had some kids enter our life in the form of a rather convoluted in-law arrangement. The mother of the kids was rather…sketchy…something about her never really sat well with me from the very start, and the kids seemed a little off as well. My wife and I, being kind, determined that we would do our part to give them all a chance. The oldest daughter was 12 at the time and seemed to be fairly dependable. She at least seemed like the one least likely to do something absolutely insane or stupid. She seemed to take a liking to our only daughter at the time, who was about 1-year-old, and she began asking if she could babysit for us as a way of earning some money. My wife was still deeply into her ‘we can’t exist without this baby in our presence!’ mode, so it was tough for us, but we ended up using her as a sitter one night while we went out on a date. When we set the ground rules to his girl, one thing we stressed was that she was not to use our computer; not only did it belong to a programmer (thus, full of very expensive software), but we didn’t want her using the computer unsupervised, especially when we’re paying her to watch my daughter. So, when we got home, verified that my daughter had not been devoured by wolves and everything was good, we paid the girl and her mother picked her up. When I opened my computer the next morning, something made me say, ‘Hmmmm.’ There was a single web browser window open, minified, and when I clicked it, I could see it was a pop-up ad…as if somebody closed the main browser window but missed the pop-up. Yes, hmmm. Sounds like somebody didn’t follow the rules…but I had nothing concrete, so I didn’t do anything. A couple weeks later we had some event to go to, so we arranged for the girl to watch our daughter again. But now I was smart: my computer was now armed with a nice little keystroke tracker: every key pressed on the keyboard was logged, and a screenshot was taken every 5 seconds. We went to the event, came home…still no wild wolf attacks, that’s good, so we sent her home with her mother. And I went to look at the keylogger. Now, let me ask you, oh brave soul: how many penises would be too many for me to have seen in those screenshots? If you answer with anything other than ‘one,’ then you have a problem. What I was seeing was the result of a 12-year-old girl going to erotic chat rooms and having cybersex with every guy she could find. She was aggressively pursuing them, asking them to send pictures of their wangs. She was discussing things she had no business knowing: 3-ways, bondage, anal fisting, the Cleveland Steamer…she knew terms that I had never heard of. I was floored. She was online within minutes of us leaving and it appeared that she had been chatting up until the moment we called and said, ‘We’re on our way home.’ She even made statements about how ‘the baby’s crying, but she can wait.’ She was talking to old men, teenage boys, whoever she could find. I was appalled, both by the fact she was doing this, but also because she was obviously not doing anything with our daughter. I sat down with my wife and discussed this with her, debating on the right course of action to take, when the phone rang: it was the girl, saying she left one of her schoolbooks at our house, asking if she can come by the next day to pick it up. ‘SURE!’ we said, knowing this would give us a chance to talk to the mother and daughter. I prepared to have a sitdown with them the next night. I printed out about 70 pages of what I saw, highlighting the parts discussing how much she hated my daughter’s crying, how she wished she would just shut up and go to sleep. The mother and daughter arrive and we invite them to sit at the table. I ask the girl, ‘Did you use our computer yesterday?’ ‘No.’ ‘Not even for just a few minutes?’ ‘No. Well, at one point, I saw Sydney [my daughter] touching the keyboard while I was playing with her, but that was it.’ I then put the pages of cybersex onto the table for her mother to look at. I pointed out the pictures of random schlongs that were being transmitted. I pointed out the highlighted portions that showed full-out neglect of a child she was being paid to watch. I pointed out some of the things her 12-year-old daughter was discussing. They were both completely silent while I pointed all this out. When I was done, the mother sat in silence for a moment, then looked up at the two of us and said, ‘I can’t believe you violated my daughter’s privacy like this.’ Um, what? ‘I’m going to call the police on you, you pervert, snooping into my daughter’s private life like this. You’re disgusting.’ Now, I may not be a lawyer, but I don’t think it takes much to say that she didn’t exactly have a case on this one. We said a few more words back and forth, but in the end, mother and daughter left in a huff, making it clear that the girl did absolutely nothing wrong” (Source).
Guns Out.
“As a teen, I was visiting at my boyfriend’s family’s home during a family holiday. Lots of relatives around. I was walking up the stairs, and a 4yo very rambunctious cousin of my boyfriend was coming down the stairs, with his mother behind him. The child reached out his hands and punched both of my breasts. I was 17, and embarrassed, in pain, and several other emotions. His mother saw the whole thing and exclaimed, ‘Isn’t he strong?!'” (Source).
“He’s Autistic, He Deserved It.”
“I think that this video exemplifies horrible defenses of kids who do mean things. ‘He’s Autistic, He Deserved It,’ say parents of bullies. It talks about an incident in which an autistic kid named Levi Null was bullied repeatedly by kids, and some of those kids went so far as to put the bullying incidents online, bragging about them. Sometimes the kid said things that, in the bullies’ minds, justified responses like punching him in the mouth. I don’t believe most of us have been brought up to believe it’s okay to return an insult, let alone punch people in the mouth when they say something; however, the parent’s blamed Levi Null, the victim, not the kids who had bullied him. Among other things, some of the parents of these kids defended the bullying actions with these gems: ‘I would say three-fourths of this stuff he brings on himself and probably a fourth of it is bullying that shouldn’t be going on.’ ‘He called my nephew a nasty name, and my nephew Cole [punched the autistic kid] in the mouth. I’m proud of my nephew for doing that.’ Furthermore, the principal of Levi’s school, Josh hen, defended the bullies with this statement: ‘You know, it’s really up to the [bullied] students to check themselves when it comes to this issue. We try our best to educate the staff, to educate our students to react to the cases, to investigate the cases we have. But ultimately, it’s got to come down to the kids to take ownership for this and to stand up for the kids who can’t stand up for themselves'” (Source).
Quite A Doozy Indeed.
“Have I got a doozy for you! When I was 14, my great uncle died, I went to another state (800 miles away). I was on the local news because my great uncle was over 100 years old, and was the oldest man in his town. I was right there, on live TV, mourning old Uncle Ted. Well apparently, at the EXACT same moment I was on TV, 800 miles away, I was raping a classmate behind the school, no wait it was at the Best Buy, no no, I said it was in the McDonald’s Bathroom! Why don’t you listen to what I am saying! He raped me in the changing rooms at JCPenney! Upon my arrival at home, nothing seemed strange. I went to school the following day, and right there, in front of all of my classmates and teachers, a cop tackles me to the ground, puts a taser to my back and screams ‘YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR RAPE AND FALSE IMPRISONMENT!!!’ 2 years, 4 months, 3 weeks later, the old prosecutor retires, the new one takes over, sees that the complaint against me has ZERO standing, and I am finally released from Juvie. With restrictions placed on me by a judge of course. All charges dropped. However, I cannot sue ‘My victim.’ I cannot contact ‘My victim’ and I most certainly cannot reveal ‘My victim’s’ name to anyone. I try to get my life back together. Hard to do when everyone and their mother thinks you are a rapist that got away with it because his mother slept with the judge. The girl’s mother decides to contact me. She says she wants to talk to me, and it’s important. I am wary, so I bring my only remaining friend in the world, the brother of the girl I had just started dating when I was first accused. Sam died of a heart defect when I was 18. Her brother has always stood by me, but then, he’s a Marine, they do that kind of thing. She starts off by apologizing for having me come out to see her (three hour drive). Then she kicks me in the balls (figuratively) by saying “‘ just want you to know, I forgive you for ruining my daughter’s life.’ Yup. She went there. She then went on to explain and even justify her daughter’s actions! ‘She was seeing somebody and didn’t want them to get in trouble. She didn’t see any other way out. She never accused you by name, she just called you the quiet boy in the library.’ (BULLS–T ALERT!! In the documents released to me, of the original statement to police, she mentions me by name seven times, and when asked to confirm my name, she even spelled it for the officer). ‘I really don’t see why you had to have the police press charges against her. She hasn’t been able to find work because of her criminal record. I’m asking if you could write a letter to the judge, and have him expunge her record.’ Yeah. Let it sink in. Yup. There you go. I replied, ‘I will write a letter to a judge, to get her records expunged, when the rape charges are removed from my own criminal history. You pay for the lawyer to get it done, and I will write your letter.’ To which she says, ‘You owe us for this! If you had just kept your mouth shut and accepted the plea deal you would have been out of jail already, and my daughter wouldn’t be cleaning toilets for Walmart!’ Obviously the woman knew nothing of the plea deals I was offered. Let me explain the one and only plea deal I was offer. Plead guilty to two Rape and Battery charges, and they would drop the unlawful imprisonment charge. I would only, ONLY, get 50 years max, but mostly likely only 20 or so. So no, lady, I would NOT have been out of jail already (I was 22 when this convo happened), I would have been in jail at least until I was 36. Oh and the person the girl was protecting? Her MARRIED with CHILDREN 30 year old boyfriend. Yup. I went to jail to protect a pedophile. Not willing of course, but yeah that’s what it boils down to” (Source).
That One Coworker…
“I have an older coworker who had a ‘surprise’ child later in life. She’s also a bit of a conspiracy theorist (which she denies). For example, she believes in chemtrails and that the government are purposely trying to poison the poorer people. I told her that the trails are mostly water vapor and any trace chemicals they have are dispersed through the air and don’t reach us. And rich people spend a lot of time outside where these chemicals are falling so it makes no sense to say that they’re targeting poor people. She believes that vaccinations lead to autism and that they’re also just put out there to scare people and leech their money from them. That’s where the story begins. Her son was recently sent home by a nurse at this daycare facility because it was discovered that he had pertussis and it had spread to a baby but was luckily caught in time and the baby fully recovered. My coworker vehemently denies that it was him and he only had a cough because ‘pertussis has been wiped out for years because of vaccines and no one gets it anymore.’ Upon telling her that why you don’t see it so often is because people are vaccinated and not because it doesn’t exist, she called me a part of the ‘sheeple’ (?) and that her child is being purposely targeted. When questioned as to why he would be targeted, she couldn’t provide an answer. She’s nuts” (Source).
Solid Logic.
“A neighbor’s son and my daughter went to the same small preschool and were in the same class. Her son was known to hit and had bad temper. I don’t think my daughter played with him at all but it’s a small group of 2-3 year olds playing in a small outdoor area in the preschool every day. Kids at that age usually do ‘parallel play,’ meaning no direct interaction like in pretend play. One day, he allegedly hit my daughter. When I told the mother about it, she said, ‘If you don’t want your daughter to be hit, tell her not to play with my son.’ The moral of the story is that if you don’t want a bully to bully you, stop playing with the bully. That’s not the craziest part of the parenting. Teachers often reported the violent tantrum incidents to the parents. After many reports, my neighbor pulled her son out of that preschool and told everyone that they wanted a different school because, ‘The teachers complain about my son’s tantrums too much, but don’t know how to do their job teaching my son to behave” (Source).
That Damn Plate.
“While holidaying in Malawi back in the ’70s, a young American girl at a nearby table expressed her discontent with what she’d been served by swiping the plate and its contents off the table to smash loudly and messily on the floor. Her mother’s shocked reaction? ‘Naughty plate!’ (Source).
Poor Pup.
“I was out walking my dog with my mum in a neighbourhood park. My dog’s a Jack Russell Terrier and he was put on a harness and leashed. All this time, he was trotting in step with us – no pulling or aggressive behaviour. Basically, just a routine day at the park. As we rounded a corner past a playground with a sandbox, this 5 year old boy hurls a huge bucket of sand at us and proceeded to throw the bucket at us after. My dog bore the brunt of it and yapped in pain and we had sand in our eyes. My mum was suitably upset (mind you, she’s one of the kindest people I know, and doesn’t swear or use vulgarities at all) and so she approached the little boy’s mum and said in an even, non aggressive tone, ‘Hey, did you know your son just hurled a bucket of sand at us? The bucket also hit my dog.” The boy’s mother replied ‘so what, it’s just a dog anyway.’ My mum decided not to reply, she just shook her head and we took off” (Source).
Like Father, Like Son.
“Years ago, while I was teaching middle school in a rural community, I had a young man in my 7th grade History class who had struggled through much of his school career. It was difficult to fail my class, as I tried to evaluate on performance AND effort. My goal was to teach kids facts and knowledge, but to also teach them systems of learning and enhance those learning skills. Anyway, Jeremy (we’ll call him) failed my class two grading periods in a row. Concerned with his language skills, I asked that he be tested, to evaluate his reading level. Not surprisingly, it came back showing a 1st to 2nd grade reading level. Immediately a conference was arranged with his parents to discuss programs to get his reading skills up to speed. Myself, the school counselor, and the principal were present. The dad comes in, and there are introductions and hand shaking all around. After an explanation of the test results, options for assistance were detailed, all of which included after school tutoring with a resource instructor. ‘Naw, there’s no way,’ was the response. I asked what the problem was. ‘He’s gotta practice.’ I coached all the athletics at my school, and Jeremy did not participate in any of them, so I asked what he needed to practice. Looking me square in the eye, dad says, ‘You wanna know what I do for a living?’ Sure, I responded. ‘I’m a professional fly caster. I got me a world record for fly castin’ over the [Houston] Astrodome! Now Jeremy’s gotta get home and practice his castin’ every day!’ I was taken aback, and pointed out the reading tutorial was only 30 minutes, 3 days a week. Dad leans over the table, and says, ‘I can’t read for s–t, and I’m doin’ just fine. He’s gonna be a professional fly caster, too. What in the hell does he need to know how to READ for?!’ And that, my friends, was that. It’s a sad story, with a sadder ending that’s best not included here, but as you can guess, Jeremy never got the reading help he needed” (Source).
“My stupid stepbrother tried to hold up a local gas station using what turned out to be a fake gun. But that wasn’t the stupidest part. He attempted the robbery in the family business’s van with the name of the business, its address and phone number painted in bright gigantic print. The station attendant screamed, so the stepdummy ran away, screeching the van for all to see and hear. Then he comes home and pretends nothing happened. Minutes after he gets home the police arrive. Stepmother harangues the police about harassing her son just because he’s a known drug abuser. Yup, SMH. For some reason stepstupid tells his mother what happened. She comes out of the kitchen, infuriated. Not at him. At the victim! She’s furious that her son should get charged at all since he didn’t get any money, and in her words, ‘MY SON NEVER HURT ANYBODY!!’ Damn that victim for overreacting. I guess having what you believe is a real gun shoved in your face isn’t a fundamentally hurtful situation. ‘ALL HE DID WAS DRIVE A VAN!’ About two months later we get a call that he was locked up again, this time in Dade County. Different charges. Of course his mother was livid, but once again, not at him. This time at ‘those redneck cops’ whose goal in life was to mess with her son” (Source).
His Addiction.
“My brother was trying to help out our ailing father and took over his school bus route for a trimester. He was having issues day after day with the same child hurting other children unprovoked in the most violent, ruthless manner. He did understand that the child was on the spectrum, but there were many other children with the same issues on the bus that did not act out like he did. He felt that there may have been some disciplinary issues that he needed to address with his parents. He set up a meeting with the parents and the principal and let them know what was going on and that it needed to stop, they had been told that he was still welcome to ride the bus, but was in need of an aid or he was going to suffer even more socially ( his own sisters didn’t want to come near him) . His parents declined the offer of an aid from the principal even though it was government funded. They then let my brother know that their child was an electronics addict and couldn’t control himself when he wasn’t playing video games. They also made it clear that it could NEVER had been their child’s fault and that all the other kids were at fault for his violence. My brother reminded them that he had been watching very closely and that it was unprovoked. The mother said ‘It is always 100% the other kids’ fault.’ She didn’t even want to hear my brother. He felt so sorry for the child. It seemed he had little interaction with his parents and spent most of his time alone with his ‘addiction’ as his parents put it” (Source).
“How Little Boys Are.”
“My mother has a friend, let’s call her M. She’s a very nice lady, a bit vulgar at times, but otherwise a good person to be around (if she’s alone). M has a son, who I will call J, and he is a horrible, insufferable child. I am not exaggerating. The kid is genuinely malicious and unkind. I have so many stories, so I’m just going to tell you about the last couple of times I’ve seen him. Last I heard, he was at a party in the park. J decided that he wanted something to drink, so he went up to his mom, and said ‘Where’s my drink?’ No ‘please,’ nothing polite, just said it like that. She asked what he wanted, and he said he wanted a Sprite. She said she didn’t pack him a Sprite… and all hell broke loose. ‘YOU’RE RETARDED!! WHY DIDN’T YOU PACK ME A SPRITE!’ he yelled and made a huge scene, the whole park was looking at them like him and his family are crazy. Until, another friend of ours offered him a Sprite from their cooler… J walked over to the cooler, tipped it over and spilled all of its contents, again, making a scene. His mother acted like nothing had gone wrong. Later his dad and the other men were fishing. His dad went over to where the women were to grab some food, so J felt like he could do what he wanted cause his dad wasn’t watching. J walked over to the other men and started kicking them. One of the men there told him ‘If you don’t stop now, the next time I ask I won’t be so kind.’ So J started kicking harder, he loved the attention he was getting. Another man, who I know is humorous and good-hearted, said ‘Maybe he’ll stop if we throw him in the water?’ Suddenly, J starts screaming and crying and runs over to his mother, who begins comforting him, and his father goes over to the men and starts an argument. As M is comforting J, he starts throwing a fit, kicking and hitting her, and calling her a stupid cow. Then, yet another man from our circle comes over, and tells J, ‘This is no way to be treating your mother, you will respect her.’ Apparently, that’s the wrong thing to do, because M just looks at this man with such disgust in her face, like he just did something incredibly disrespectful, how DARE he say something like this to her precious angel! At another party we were at, J kicked a little girl in the face and said many vulgar things while many other people were watching At this same party, he kept jumping on a couch, and the host told him to please stop because he might hurt himself – J told her to shut up. And his mom saw nothing wrong with him saying that. Regularly, this boy says very vulgar things. At New Year’s he kept telling me and my fiancé to shove things up our a–es. He regularly talks about sex and genitals and bodily functions, far beyond the normal fart jokes little boys find funny. He literally describes horrid sexual acts in front of people because he thinks it’s fun. He says things like this in front of children, in front of adults, in front of anyone. And do you know what his mother says to all of this? ‘He’s just a little boy. That’s how little boys are!’ My fiancé teaches boys his age every Sunday at church, many of my friends have young boys, my godbrother is his age… and I guarantee you, that’s not ‘how little boys are…'” (Source).
Tweedle Dumb And Tweedle Dumber.
“In 3rd grade my class went on a field trip to a museum. Anyways, we had a ‘buddy system’ where the teacher randomly assigned partners to people that we had to stick with the whole day. Enter a pair of identical twin boys that were known to be really misbehaving, like worse than Fred and George from Harry Potter. I’m gonna call them Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber. The teacher, in efforts to reduce the twins’ antics for the day, split them up. I got paired with Tweedle Dumb and some other girl got Tweedle Dumber. Also, their mother was chaperoning the field trip. At the museum there was this exhibit full of interactables for kids. The whole time my class was there, Tweedle Dumb kept throwing puzzles pieces at my head because he wanted to see ‘if I can get Stupidhead Dylan in trouble for yelling at me.’ I didn’t give him the satisfaction of a reaction. At the same time, Tweedle Dumber was basically harassing the girl he was partnered with, AKA poking, punching, kicking, pulling her pigtails, and dragging her to whatever he wanted to play with without giving her a say. Call me traditionalist, but I wanted to give him a piece of my mind because I don’t believe guys should hit girls. The whole time, Tweedle Mom turned a blind eye on her Tweedle Monsters. This continued until lunch, when Tweedle Dumber saw a Twinkie in the girl’s lunch box and ripped it out of her hands before she unwrapped it. At this point, she was 102% fed-up with that noob and told the teacher that he stole part of her lunch. The teacher went to reprimand the kid when Tweedle Mom jumps in and says: ‘How dare you let my son go hungry!’ Un-f–king-believable. The girl was on the brink of tears, between being bullied all day and now losing her lunch — all in front of my entire class. Now if there’s one thing I’ve always hated my whole life, it’s when people get away with doing something wrong. And I wasn’t gonna let that happen, so long as I could do anything about it. So I grabbed my half of the Tweedle Tormentors and marched up to the teacher, telling her the entire story — everything from throwing puzzle pieces at my head to hitting and dragging the girl around without her permission. Then I basically threw one twin at the other and demanded to switch partners. The mother then proceeded to scold me for ‘telling outrageous lies’ about her angels. The teacher was much nicer and more levelheaded, thank goodness, so she let the twins partner up and put me with the girl. On the bus ride home, the girl told me after the whole debacle she stole $5 from the mom’s purse to buy fries from the museum food court and hid them in her backpack. She let me have half of it as long as I didn’t rat her out. We actually became great friends ’till death did us part. But to this day, I will never understand why some mothers think the way they do” (Source).