We all go through some pretty scary things in our lifetime, but these stories are definitely a little more creepy than the average ghost story.
Am I Seeing Things?
“When I was 13, I was home sick with the flu. I was walking past one of the windows when I saw the mail man walking across the street. Out of nowhere, a car came and hit him. The driver got out of the car and started to stab the mailman repeatedly. He stopped and ran off down the street.
I called my mom and told her what I saw and she thought I was hallucinating, she told me to go lay down since I had a fever around 103. When she got home, she noticed that I was obviously rattled from what I saw. It turns out the guy lived right around the corner from us and was severely deranged. They found him later that day, he was committed and his family moved out of town. The mailman lived and was back delivering mail a few months later” Source
Awaking To A Terrible Nightmare
“Woke up from a botched appendectomy in the ICU, saw my hands and feet bound to the bed and felt a tube that was being used to inflate my lungs for me.
Turned out I had some kind of reaction to the anesthetic which resulted in what the anesthesiologist described as “flash pulmonary edema.” I woke up just as they were finishing up, and I started to spew foamy blood from my mouth and nose. The last thing I remember is the anesthesiologist looking at me and shouting “No!” as she pushed me back down onto the table.
I really have to thank her for saving my life that day” Source
The Blood Curdling Screams Could Be Heard For Miles
“About two years ago a surfer hit his head on a sand bar and was knocked unconscious. I was the closest one to him in the water. By the time I got to him his heart had stopped and he had gone purple. I pulled him in with help from another teen who had been surfing with him but had gone into shore early and come back out once my parents realized what was going on. An ER tech and ex-lifeguard began CPR on him, breaking ribs for sure. Eventual they revived him and he began to wail in pain. It was by far the most horrible sound I’d ever heard. A blood curdling mix of sobbing and cries of utter pain. It still disturbs me when I think about the situation. He has now made a great recovery ad has about 95% of his nervous system back that was damaged by the hit. For reference he was so discolored that his own nephew didn’t recognize him for about 15 minutes”Source
Escaping The Jaw Of Death
“We own property on a small island in the Cyclades, Greece.
The snorkeling around the coast of the island is fantastic. I’ve seen porpoise, weird species of crab, cuttlefish etc. One time I was with my brother, around 1/4 of a mile around the coast of a small bay. Water was creeping in to my mask when I went under water, so I swam to the edge of the coastline and stood up on a rock formation, water roughly waist height. Whilst trying to sort out my mask and standing up on this rock, I felt something wrap around my right leg – the biggest, and I mean biggest octopus ever, came out if its hiding place and attached itself to me. I looked down and just saw a humongous blur of this creature under the water, frantically moving about, tentacles everywhere. I knew straight away what it was, and assumed it would let go, but no. Octopuses have a massive beak type jaw in the middle of their main abdomen, and those things f—– hurt. After a few ‘pecks’ it finally loosened its grip and swam down in to the blueness. I will never forget that s—” Source
Peeing In Fear
“I grew up in a really rural area. We had 20 acres just out side of a small Texas town with a population of 2500. I was out in the woods doing something, I don’t remember what, when all of a sudden I’m hearing this crashing from the woods coming my direction. I just saw one of the jurassic park and was way into Dino Crisis 2 at the time so my first thought is I am about to raptored. Finally out from the tree line, which is about 15 feet from where I’m petrified at, comes a Bobcat. It’s coming right for me. Already consented to the idea of dying by the time it’s on me, but instead he sprints right past me and I see my dog barreling through the woods on its trail. They ran off through the woods and all I know is the dog came back fine a while later but my underwear had to be thrown out” Source
A Fatal Accident
“When I was a teenager this d——- sped around me on a winding country road, right ahead of me he ran head on into another car. The girl sitting in the passenger seat was drinking out of a glass water bottle. When I went to investigate, the bottle was impaled in her forehead, her legs were curled up into the dash like an accordion and they had hit so fast and hard the back part of her scalp was still on the headrest. She was alive, awake and in agony asking me to help her. She died, the d——- lived and never served any jail time. Still haunts me almost 20 years later” Source
Following In My Footsteps
“I had just moved to a new city and was living on my own for the first time. I worked late night shifts at my job, and rode a bike home a fair distance.
It was about 1 AM and I was riding my bike home when I began to approach the local elementary school. The school was on the opposite side of the street, lit up from the inside with those orange lights they turn on at night.
As I began to approach the school I noticed something strange. I couldn’t really make it out but something seemed off. I stared hard, squinting to see it better as I got closer and closer.
Then, as the school was directly across from me, I saw: A little girl standing INSIDE the school, staring out the door at me.
I flipped my s— and pedaled my a– off. After a few moments I kinda got a grip and looked back over my shoulder, and there she was, standing on the sidewalk staring at me.
I rode home like a bat out of h— and avoided that street like the plague for weeks.
Then, one day I worked a day shift and figured hey, it can’t hurt to bike down that street during the day…
So yeah, turns out during the day they have these two wooden cut outs of kids they put up to mark the cross walk. At night they store them just inside the door.
I had seen the one inside the school and not noticed the one that apparently was forgotten and left outside, until later, making it appear as though the same child had been in both spots” Source
Honey, I’m Home!
“Someone tried to break into my house while I was home. The scariest part for me was the fact that I had just locked the door the guy tried to break in not 5mins before s— went down. I wasn’t even supposed to be home that day. I skipped class just cause I could I guess. I remember I was playing my 360 when I saw a silver Buick pull up in my driveway. In my room I can only see cars pull in, but not where they park, to do that I have to walk to the other end of the house and look out the window in my brothers room. We have people come to our house all the time, so seeing another car wasn’t a surprise, though I still keep an eye on when they arrive and leave if I am home. The guy rang the doorbell 2 times, but of course I wasn’t going to bother answering it. Between doorbell rings I had walked to my brothers room just to see the car, and what it looked like. On the way back to my room I had a feeling I should probably lock the deadbolt on the french doors on the back of my house just in case. Back in my room I kept waiting and waiting for the car to leave, but I never saw it after a good 5mins after the doorbell had rung. I have had Jehovahs Witnesses come to the house before, so maybe they were in their car getting pamphlets or something, I thought. As I continued playing my xbox, I heard something at the french doors, like a scratching/clawing noise. Our cats stay outdoors, so it was definitely odd to hear anything like that. It kept on, and eventually I had to go check it out. I have guns in my room, but the thought of someone breaking in never occurred to me. I rounded the corner to the dining room where the doors were and there he was, some skinny 30 something white dude trying to pry the door open. I remember being a little confused, but I yelled as I clapped my hands “What the f— are you doing?”. Basically I treated him like he was some stray dog that had wandered up to my house. I could see him get scared because he obviously thought no one was home (there were 2 cars in the driveway anyway). There is no way he saw me clearly, or how big/small I am, but he got the f— right on out of there. You might think I called the cops immediately afterwards, but nope, I called my dad who reminded me I should probably call the police. They never caught him, but often I wonder what would have happened had I gone to school that day, or more importantly, left that door unlocked” Source
A Break In The Routine
“When I was in high school, I used to be the only person in the house for around an hour or so. Normally I’d stay downstairs for a bit, eat a snack, and eventually make my way up to my room.
One day I came home and did the usual routine, and when I went upstairs I discovered that my room had been absolutely fucked up. My bed (which was normally against a wall) had been moved to the middle of the room, my clothes (including several pieces of underwear) had been strewn about, some of it laid on my bed. Drawers were out of the dresser- really, the room had been completely gone through.
Considering I was a teenaged girl, was home alone, and not a single other thing in the house had been touched, this was by far the scariest s— I have seen” Source
A Flip Of A Switch
“I was 13 years old when I watched my Mom get viciously attacked by our dog.
We were standing in the dining room talking when our family dog, a Shiba Inu named Zeus, dropped a toy at my Mom’s feet. She would throw the toy for him a few times, Zeus would run, tackle it and bring it back. So on and so forth. Nothing out of the ordinary.
We had finished our conversation, and I was walking away. Zeus strutted by me, toy in mouth, on his way back to drop it at her feet when she got down on the floor to play with him. Something about seeing her on all fours and the toy between them made him go into psycho protective mode and he lunged at her face and made the loudest, worst growl/bark I’ve ever heard. The whole thing lasted maybe a minute max.
I had just rounded the corner when I whipped back to see my Mom standing up and her face covered in blood. The only thing clear were her eyes. Her bottom lip was barely attached just hanging from her face and her nose was split three ways. Tons of blood. She’s just cupping her hand under her chin to catch anything while she walked to the bathroom. She just stood over the sink and let the blood drip in. And cried into the mirror.
I yelled if I needed to call an ambulance and she just nodded. I think we were both in shock at that point. I mean this dog weighed maybe 20lbs. Little fluff of a curly tail and a cuddle muffin by all accounts and he just practically ripped her face off.
Anyway, ambulance came and got her. I put the dog outside on the run. He was acting super ashamed at that point. He wasn’t being mean. He knew something really bad just happened. He just sat on the step and put his head down as I closed the door. That was the last I saw him. Once at the hospital she needed a ton of stitches. She was in denial about the whole thing. Blamed herself for being on the floor and “he was just being a dog, he thought I was gonna take his toy.” “It won’t happen again”. Begged them not to take the dog. He had to be put down the next day. Super scary and totally horrible series of events. I mean that dog was the nicest dog ever, barked an awful lot but otherwise a good family pet. Just one thing snapped that day and he was done for. Still to this day the scariest thing I’ve witnessed firsthand” Source
Now That’s Bad Timing
“I used to be a surgical technologist. We were doing a tracheotomy on an older gentleman. While we had his throat open (and I had my fingers holding it open) before we inserted the stoma, I felt something move near my pelvis, and I look down and his hand was moving under the sheets.
I immediately said “Uhhh, this guy’s hand is moving”. The surgeon said, that it was okay, he’s in a vegetative state and they didn’t even have him under anesthesia.
For some reason that freaked me out… then the old man promptly s— his pants” Source
A Saving Grace
There’s a trail between my home and office that I walk almost daily. A short one-and-a-half mile trek which takes me through a beautiful wooded area and comes out on the edge of my neighborhood.
One autumn evening I’m walking home and am passed by three teenagers on bikes, one with a black grocery tote-bag dangling from the edge of his handlebars. Nothing out of the ordinary for somewhat-rural Montana, really.
I proceed along the trail and into the forest, looking up and admiring the last bit of sunlight illuminating the colored leaves. Up ahead I can hear some yelling and laughing, but again, nothing out of the ordinary since kids from the neighborhood play in the woods all the time.
Crossing the bridge over the quietly flowing stream, I see a small fire burning on the sandbar of the distant bank, and stop to watch for a moment… and that’s when I hear it.
The sound of not just laughter, but cruel laughter… the practically unmistakable kind people make when they’re doing something awful, feeding off each others viciousness.
And as I begin walking again, I can hear tiny yelps. I pick up the pace, finding a narrow side-trail and following along the bank and through overgrowth toward the flames.
I near the sandbar to see the 3 boys who passed me earlier, who are taking turns kicking something around as it wails helplessly – I step out of the brush and they stop with an alarmed stare, looking at me… and so does it…
Two tiny eyes open and look up, glinting in the firelight.
My heart drops, as does my laptop bag. Despite being a non-violent person, I go into f—– all-out unholy rage mode. I begin screaming, calling out each of them by the obscenities their mothers should have named them. One hurls a rock at me, I dodge, grab large wooden stick from the brush and fling it with everything I’ve got, grazing one of them in the eye.
He begins to wail, and as his cronies turn to him, I make a dash for the deflated ball of fluff laying in the sand near the fire. I turn to grab my bag and am caught in the back of the head by a rock, but I couldn’t care less… my adrenaline flows like a spring, and I’m dashing through the woods.
I arrived home and burst in the door to find my hands covered in blood. Tears welled in my eyes: I’d somehow killed it or let it die. And then the pain set in, and I realized the blood was coming from my head.
Despite it all, my heart jumped at the yelp from my pocket. I opened it to find the thing I’d rescued… small, soft, wet, pitiful… but alive. I gently pulled it from my pocket and sank to the floor, and I cried. I cried like I hadn’t cried in such a long time.
Everything felt completely f—– up, but somehow knowing the tiny life cradled in my hands had escaped from whatever it was they were planning… it made the crying feel good.
That was 5 years ago. He was in poor shape, but he’s grown up to be a healthy, wonderful dog. Probably my best friend aside from my husband. I walk the trail with him every day, taking him to the office with me – We have yet to again see his aggressors since that day.
If I’d had more sense, I would have called the police and seen them to court, but watching physical cruelty (especially to animals) happen before my eyes… every time I look at him, every time he jumps on the bed to snuggle me, I’ve no regrets about my actions that day” Source
A Broken Fall
“About a year ago, I came home from work to see the two little neighbor boys (four and two years old) standing in their bedroom window. Second story, house facing mine. They called to me, I waved, and then the screen fell out of the window and the boys fell straight onto the concrete driveway. I swear, it felt like time f—- stood still. The sound they made when they landed, and the stillness immediately after was horrific. I ran to the house to get their mother, they started crying, and I fumbled my phone out and called 911. The way their mother screamed still gives me goosebumps to think of. We held the boys while we waited for the EMTs to arrive, trying to keep them from squirming, and I tried to reassure their mother.
They were both very lucky. One had a minor skull fracture and the other needed some stitches in his hand from where it hit a bush, but otherwise they were remarkably fine. They came by that Christmas and brought me some cookies. A super nice family” Source
A Beary Scary Encounter
A full-grown grizzly bear slammed into a window right next to me snarling and pawing at the glass trying to get in. It was the night shift on a remote mine site, meaning it was pitch dark outside. The bear appeared to have coalesced out of the aether. I was the only person in the building at the time, with my nearest coworker being up a large hill and deep in the guts of an ore mill.
I screamed bloody murder, grabbed my radio and hid under a lab bench like I thought two inches of plastic was somehow going to save me. My radio call went something like “Emergency emergency emergency JESUS CHRIST THERE’S A F—– BEAR DOWN HERE SOMEONE SHOOT IT emergency emergen-f—–cy!”
And of course when a team of bear hazers finally made it down the thing had disappeared. All that was left were its claw marks on the glass, some fresh bear s— outside, and me flat refusing to get out from under my titration setup.
Good times” Source
Just Keep Swimming, Swimming
“When I was 8 I was swimming in the ocean at right outside Virginia Beach during a family reunion when I saw a shark fin about 10 yards away. Never going to forget seeing that gray triangle with a scar going horizontal across the lower portion. I was about 20 yards offshore and have never swam that fast in my life.
Didn’t go back in the water for two days, and worst of all mom didn’t believe me. I only know I’m right in what I saw because I was obsessed with National Geographic, so I knew how to distinguish dorsal fins. To this day, sharks are still one of the most fascinating creatures to me” Source
Keeping One Eye Open
“When I was roughly 6 or so I was with my dad at his cottage. I would visit every summer. There were two houses on the property, the main house and the guest house. We would always stay in the guest house be my grandparents lived in the main house year round. One night in that summer I woke up in the middle of the night. I was having trouble getting back to sleep because I was afraid of the dark, so I went looking or my dad. The guest house was rather small so I was very confused when I didn’t find him right away.
Being the dumb little kid I was I thought “maybe he went outside to use the bathroom”. So I went through the main door and then the screen door, I then proceeded to call out for him to no answer. I started walking down the steps leading to the large open field. There was about 40 yards on either side of the house, one side was the neighbors and the otherside was a decent sized forest. I remember walking out about 20 feet or so from the house and getting a tingling sensation in my spine. I turned around and saw a wolf coming towards me from the tree line. I ran back to the house, it felt like an eternity opening that screen door. When I got inside the house I looked outside again, and to this day I still remember seeing how close that wolf actually got to me. It had made it to the bottom of the steps and was just looking at me like it’s next meal. I slammed the other door so fast I ended up waking up my dad, who had been laying asleep on the floor the whole time because he was uncomfortable on the small couch” Source
A Glimpse Of Hope
“Scariest things I’ve ever seen happened in the range of forty minutes and I didn’t think I’d ever been more scared/worried each time, until I saw the next event.
I was involved in a three car accident back in October of 2012. Me and my gf at the time had just decided to go for a late night run for donuts. I pulled out onto the street and waited at the empty intersection. Since there was no traffic and it was so late I thought I could afford looking down and opening my chocolate milk for the ride home. As soon as I pulled the chocolate milk out of the bag I heard almost movie like sound effects of tires screeching and a huge crash. I don’t have time to do anything but look at the source of the noise. That’s when I caught a glimpse of the scariest thing I’ve ever seen — a two and a half ton truck coming straight at me. In the very short time it took between the first crash to the truck crushing my car my brain had time to register three things.
There was a really bad accident that I’m about to be apart of.
The 5000 pound truck that is barreling towards me, isn’t even touching the ground at this point.
There is nothing in the world I can do to stop this from happening.
The truck hits me. Hard. I remember looking at the truck coming towards me and then being able to close my eyes and let out a whimper before someone rubbing my face and telling me everything is okay. I open my eyes, it’s my gf. We were three lanes over from where we were originally. The driver side of the car was invading every inch of my space it could before actually hurting me, and I realized I didn’t have a scratch on me — I’m gonna be okay. We climb out of the passenger side of the car and I see the full extent of the damage. My car made out okay in comparison to the rest of the vehicles. Two other trucks lay in shambles in different parts of the road. I run to the one that hit me and hear a young man screaming with the door open claiming he can’t breathe and his ribs are broken. I carefully help him out of the truck and over to the side of the road where I inspect to the best of my abilities the state of his injuries. He keeps screaming like he’s dying but I see no marks what-so-ever. He’s not bleeding, there is no immediate bruising, and when I put my hand on his chest he’s able to draw a full enough breath so I’m not worried about him. He’s hurting yeah, but as far as I can tell, he’s not dying. I tell my gf to stay with him and comfort him as I go and check out the third truck, the instigator of the whole accident.
As I stand up I’m hit with the next on the list of scariest s— I’ve ever seen, and it’s only been a minute and a half. I look past my car, the Titan, to the third truck a GMC. That’s when I realize this isn’t gonna be a walk in the park going to help whoever is in that truck. The young man was screaming when I came to help him in the Titan, but not like the people in that truck. I could hear them now like I can hear them then. Those screams weren’t screams of pain. Those screams were suffering tainted with death. Those screams were what wake mothers up in the middle of the night with an uneasy feeling. They’re the screams of people being in most terrifying place of their life with no way out, and I was trying to gather myself so I could help them. I run over to the truck with the screams piercing through my heart and pulling nerves from muscles and muscles from bones, cementing my movements little by little till I’m barely moving when I reach the truck. Then I see it. A girl with no life in her body. A boy laying in the road next to the driver side window. His face laying in an all too big pool of his own blood.
I shut down. I can’t help these people and that scares me more than anything. There is nothing I want to do more than help the lifeless girl or her friends screaming, looking at her, but I can’t. She’s been gone, hopefully before she knew she was gonna depart this life onto whatever is next. My knees tremble. Darkness starts creeping in from the sides of my vision. I’m about to pass out. Are you serious? I don’t have time for this. I took a deep breath and the smell brought me back to the real world. Rubber, and metal, burning plastic and copper. I put my hand on the back of the driver of the truck to notice his back is rising and falling. A bit quickly, but he’s breathing and I don’t hear any bubbles or wheezing so I figure nothing is blocking his airway.
Then behind me a girl asks “what is in the street?”
That’s when I see the most scariest s— I’ve ever seen in my life I jump up and look into the middle of the intersection where I see a small bundle of white fabric. My heart broke into a thousand pieces. I knew what it was, she knew what it was, everyone knew what it was. No movement. I start walking over to the bundle of fabric which I could make out to be a small blanket, inside a baby. As I walk over I didn’t feel the cementing feeling in my muscles. A sense of urgency is commanding my sore muscles to movement, I couldn’t stop walking if I wanted to. My brain shuts off all unnecessary feelings and emotions. If I pick this baby up, and it’s dead. I’ll deal with that later, but right now, every fiber in my body needs to confront this and deal with what is in front of me. I need to get this baby out of the road. As I bend over to put my hands on hopefully what is a warm and squishy cute a– baby, I see no movement, hear no crying, nothing. I pause readying myself to bare what no one should ever have to carry. I carefully place my hands around the body of the baby and that’s when it hits me. A little wiggle. Still no crying. I move the blanket from the babies face and he’s is absolutely beautiful. He has a cut on his forehead but aside from that his face is something I’ll never forget. It was a symbol of hope to me. Out of a terrible accident that can, and did, snatch someones life away. This baby could be in my arms alive and okay after being ejected from a truck made my eyes full of tears. There was another baby ejected from the truck who was in a more serious condition but she made a complete recovery.
I can’t bare to type anymore details of that night because I feel so drained now. A year and a half later it still bothers me to go over the details in my head”Source
An Unknown State Of Terror
“I was flying home from South Africa in January and my friend brought an ambien for me to relax. I have never taken ambien before, but I thought this would probably be the best time to try it. I was WRONG!
Four hours into the flight I am woken up by the plane jolting side to side and the f—– PILOT standing in the middle of the plane yelling, “Everyone keep calm!! One of the engines failed and we are emergency landing. Just stay calm”.
All I could think was “holy s—, what did I miss?” I turned to my friend who was rocking back and forth and crying. I was trying to talk to her but my eyes just kept blinking slowly then shutting! I couldn’t focus. God d—– ambien, I need to focus! It was horrible. I kept falling in and out of sleep. The kind of unshakable sleep you do in a really boring 8am class where your head just falls back. At one point I looked out the window and gallons of liquid was spewing out of the wing!!! It was the most terrifying experience and being drugged up made it 100% worse”Source
A Ghostly Encounter
“I had just turned 22 and my parents had sold their house and purchased a place out in the country. On the property there was a big shed not far from the house that I decided to turn into my place, now I felt kind of uncomfortable in the shed sometimes but my dog kept me company so it wasnt so bad.
Anyway I had been in there maybe 2 weeks and one night I’m on the computer, my dog asleep at my feet and I need to pee so I get up and go outside to piss. It’s a beautiful clear night and the stars were incredible, next thing I hear the shed door slam behind me.
I turn immediately and try to open it but it won’t budge. Now from inside the shed I can hear my dog start to growl, quietly at first then louder, now he’s barking and I’m panicking trying to get the door open.
I must mention that I’m 6 foot 5 and well built, play sports etc but even ramming my full weight into the door won’t open it and I’m really panicking now as my dogs barks turned into whines, then whimpering, then silence and with all my might I slam into the door and it flies open. The light is off inside now and it’s pitch black, it won’t turn back on and I’m in complete darkness. Can’t see my dog anywhere and I stumble around trying to find a torch, finally I find it and pick it up and turn on my torch and I wasn’t prepared for what I’d see next…
My dog had literally squashed itself into the furthest, darkest corner of the room, eyes closed and is shaking violently. I immediately moved towards him and as soon as I got within reach of him, he leapt at me into my arms and wouldn’t move. I picked him up and I swear I’ve never ran so fast in my god d— life. I never stepped foot in that shed ever again and my dog wouldn’t even go near that part of the property.
I don’t know what happened in that shed that night but I’ll never forget it” Source
The Midnight Lumberjack
“It’s New Years Eve and after a wild night of kisses and body shots I’m outright dead. I crawled into my buddies bed (alone) at maybe 2:00AM and had the greatest 20 minute sleep of my life. I wake up to the sound of a constant thumping and cracking noise. Every other second I hear a thump, then silence. I slowly get out of his bed and creep across the bedroom. The plan was that only me and him would be staying over, and although I found a few various people nestled on couches, the bathtub, or just motionless on the floor, nothing was out of place.
I couldn’t find the source of the constant drumming until I was in his basement (ground level) and facing the corner of the room. My hand touched the wall’s corner, still hearing constant thumping from the other side. It was coming from inside the wall. I stood back maybe a few inches and just stared. That’s when the tip of an axe breaks clean through the wall.
I screamed out and heard my friend rushing down the stairs within seconds. I’m frozen in panic against the opposite wall when he blew through the door. He sees the axe wiggling back through the wall, then crashing through again, sending splinters across the floor. He grabs a shovel and we fly out the back door, turning the corner of the house to confront the axe wielding psycho. What we found was an axe stuck firmly into the side of the house, with nobody around.
We did a few laps of his house and found no traces of the mysterious midnight-lumberjack. Freakiest s— i’ve ever experienced. The axe lodged in the side of the house now sits in his basement, in a closed footlocker waiting for its owner to come back and claim it” Source
Now That’s A Psycho Ex
“The time my crazy ex fed me ground up glass. When I woke up in the night with what seemed like incoming painful taco bells revenge and felt that searing pain and turned on the light and looked in the toilet and saw a bloody mess with chunks of tissue. That was scary as F—” Source