This Is One Crazy Amount of Personal Intrusion!
Asia Images Group/
“I once dated a girl who had a dad that bought her everything. He made a lot of money and was really great at saving it. His life’s mission was to use that money to buy his rude daughters love. She was 22 and had her car paid for in full, insurance, phone bill, rent free living, yadda yadda. For her birthday every year, she would get $1,000 in cash.
I, on the other hand, was 23 at the time and paid for everything I owned. I had a crummier car than her because I paid for it myself. She would remind me often of how much better her car was. I paid for all my other expenses and bills.
Then this beyond normal thing happens. She gets a job at the bank I have all my accounts at… SHE LOOKS UP MY BANK ACCOUNT TO SEE HOW MUCH MONEY I HAVE!!! She tells me this and criticizes that I only have $XXXX amount in the bank when she has $XXXXX in the bank and is ‘So much better than me at saving money’. I never once in our whole relationship brought up the money issue or how she didn’t really work for what she had. This time though, I lost my mind. I mentioned everything she had that she didn’t pay for and explained that if it wasn’t for daddy she would be 20k in debt. This blow-up fight was the biggest I’ve had in any relationship. Our relationship ended there.
I learned a valuable lesson here. Always date someone who has a similar work ethic and financial goals as yourself. I realized that I always resented her and can admit I was jealous of her getting handed money. That’s not right nor is it healthy. I’m not happily married to a very hard working woman who will help me raise a hard working child”
A Girl Uses a Poor Guy To Trick Her Mom
“I met a girl (easily a 9) at a football game in high school, she went to a different school so I didn’t know anything about her, but she was all over me which was kinda rare for me at the time so I should have known something was up. After the game she followed me on Instagram & I followed her back. Like 5 minutes later, she sent me a dm within a few minutes of following me and said, ‘Wow! Why do I have to be the one to start the conversation ur a jerk.’ Despite this we exchanged numbers.
I remember waking up the next morning to like 15 texts saying ‘James Wake up James give me attention Ur a terrible guy I could never be with you because you do stuff like this’ etc…etc… This was at like 8 in the morning, I have no idea why but at the time horny 15-year old me didn’t see this as a red flag. So later that day she sends me a text and says ‘James will you take me to my school’s homecoming?’
I, of course, agreed excitedly, she then said ‘Okay good its tomorrow and you need to make me a sign and ask me in person, and you need to go buy a pink tux, I have our colors planned!!’
I hurried up and told my mom and we went shopping. My mom literally went to every tuxedo store within an hour of Indianapolis and not one had a pink tuxedo that they could have ready for the next day. I went to her house and asked her that night with a sign and everything, I texted her later that night and explained that I wasn’t able to get a pink tuxedo, but I am willing to get whatever other colors she wants. She flipped her lid!! She called me poor and accused me of not being able to afford a tux, and said I was going to ruin her ‘image’ at her school.
I apologized like 10 times and finally got a text back that said to be at her house at 8 to pick her up. I go to pick her up the next day, I ring her doorbell and her mom lets me in, her mom wants to take pictures of us, but the girl refuses to get in a picture with me because I’m not wearing pink and cusses her mom out and storms out to my car. I was frozen I had no idea how to react to what had just happened, her mom said to me ‘you guys better get going, have fun.’
I completely regretted going at this point and considered telling her to get the heck out of my car, but decided against it as it was my first date and my mom had spent a lot of money on my clothes. So we head to dinner and ride in complete silence, when we get to the restaurant she asks for a table for three, this confused me, there were two of us, she explained to me that she had a friend coming.
I said okay and we sat down. So like 10 minutes later her ‘friend’ walks in wearing a tux, he sits down at our table and we all order food, after we eat I ask for the bill and both of them excuse themselves to the bathroom, I ended up waiting 30 minutes for them to come back, and finally gave up and paid the bill for her and the guy she ran off with. I drove home in tears and had to explain to my mom that my date ditched me. I got a text later that night from her saying ‘Sorry I had to use you, you seem like a nice guy, I was going with him the whole time but my mom found out he does drugs a few weeks ago so I had to tell her I was going with you.’ I never replied but I did get my revenge later that summer with eggs”
A Guy Walks Out On The Check To Ditch A Snob
Rommel Canlas/
“Let me tell you a little story about an online dating experience I had a few years back. I was chatting up this gorgeous punk rock girl on a dating app. She was absolutely gorgeous.
We go on a coffee date together, meet up, we hit it off. All-in-all a successful first date. Second date roles around, we go for dinner. This reasonably nice place, nothing too snazzy on a second date. I am doing okay for myself financially at the time, but am by no means wealthy.
We laugh, we have some wine, we drink, and then we order. And oh boy does this short haired blonde ruby rose looking punk rock pink wanna-be order an expensive steak. I’m thinking “Okay, well I don’t mind fronting the bill, this date is going really well.” I don’t always expect a woman to go dutch with me, whatever.
Food comes, we eat, we laugh some more it’s delicious. It’s a good ole time. She starts talking about these really expensive designer wigs that you can purchase online. Says she’s made a collection of sorts over the years. She likes to “change personalities through style” (her words). Weird, but I found it kind of funny at the time because hey, she was hot and things were going well.
Bill comes, she doesn’t even reach for her wallet, I’m thinking ‘that’s fine, no big deal. I got this.’ I pull out my credit card and notice her eyes light up. She say’s ‘Oh Mr. Big Wig trying to impress me with your credit card, I like it!’ I say ‘Well I get the impression you’re a bit of a princess and I don’t mind treating this time around.’ I said it playfully and with a grin as not to be a complete ass hat, but more so to be a little cocky.
She says, ‘well that’s perfect anyway, I need you to buy me this really nice wig I just found online last week. You’ll do that for me won’t you?’
I paused, and said, ‘excuse me a moment, I need to use the restroom really quickly.’
So I got up, walked over to the waiting staff and said: ‘I need to split the bill, we’re at the corner table over…’ Before I can finish my sentence, our waiter comes by at the same time, and I explain that I’d like to split the bill and pay here. He says ‘okay, no problem.’ I pay for my dinner, I walk out. I get texts for the next few days about how big of a piece of dung I am, and then a text saying that she’d take me back if I bought her that wig she really wanted. Followed by more texts saying that I’m a loser and that no woman would date such a cheap guy.
I’m happily in a relationship now, with a girl who is not a princess, but she is my queen, and I’m lucky to have her.”
Only The Newest and Shiniest Thing Will Do!
“I had this one experience where I was talking with this girl and the topic of computers came up. I asked if she preferred PC or Mac, and she said that she likes Mac more. (I forget what model she said she had but I do remember it was one of the nicer models at the time) She then said that she wanted a new one, even though the one she has is working fine. She calls her mom on her cell phone basically demanding her to buy her the newest Mac model and her mom said she would not be able to pick up the computer until the next day. She threw a fit. Arguing with her mother over the phone, (not to mention out in public), it was very awkward to be around. After that day I have not spoken or interacted with this person very much. I have never experienced a more ‘princess’ moment than this.”
Maybe It’s Time To Look Elsewhere…
“My girlfriend:
Won’t let me kiss her when she has makeup on
Refuses to stay over if she doesn’t have the ‘right’ clothes for the next day
Complained about my Valentine’s Day choice of $500 restaurant then initially refused to accept the Chanel shoes I bought her as they were ‘tainted’ by our argument
Won’t let me see her place
Takes selfies ad infinitum until she gets the right shot
Has 6000 IG followers but works in finance
Almost never pays for dates
Won’t come to my part of town mid week unless it’s for a ‘proper’ date (paid for by me)
Tells me I need to book her in with dates if I want to see her
Gives me the silent treatment if I mention my ex
Tells me she will never look after kids or have them unless we have ‘help’
Claims to be a liberal progressive but likes hanging out in super flashy clubs, hotels and restaurants”
Scoping Out A Credit Card is A Red Flag
“On our first date (at a fancy coffee shop), I quickly got the impression that she was looking to ladder-climb with me. She kept telling me about her international vacations and asking where I’ve been, where I’d like to go, if I’d ever spent the weekend on a boat, and so on.
I stayed polite but figured it wasn’t going anywhere, so during a conversational lull I asked for the check. I paid with my card. She failed to be subtle about looking at what kind it was.
‘Debit,’ I proactively told her. ‘It’s made of plastic, not metal.’
I got the oops-I’m-caught face from her so immediately followed up with an annoyance-fueled rant along the lines of ‘Also, I’m debt free. I drive an Accord. Yes, it has leather seats and a V6 and power everything, but it’s just an Accord and it’s paid off. I rent a three-bedroom townhome. I have insurance through work. I have no stock portfolio. I don’t have a passport. What else would you like to know?’
Ever since then, on every date with another woman I would take special care to see if she eyeballed my card.”
A Guys Dream Girl Turns Into A Nightmare
Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley/
When I was 14 I finally got the courage to ask this girl out that I knew for years. She said yes. We were really good friends so I thought I already knew what she liked, what she didn’t, what her personality was, etc. I THOUGHT I KNEW. For the first 2 months, everything was fine, although I did start to notice how greedy and clingy she was about things. After the first two months, I don’t know what got into her. For example, we went on a movie date to Red Rock Casino in Vegas. After the movie I asked her, “Did you enjoy the movie?” She responded, ‘No, it sucked, and you could have also picked a nicer casino to go to.’ I just thought to myself, ‘uh what do I say?’ So I just ask her if she wants to go to the Panda Express in the food court. She responds, ‘I don’t eat at cheap places.’ I look at her a wtf face and respond ” wtf do you expect I’m 14 years old?” After that, we just waited for my mom to pick us up.
On our way to drop her off she asks my mom: “miss can’t you afford a nicer car?” For those with Mexican moms, you know they don’t care who you are, they will call you out. My mom responds, ‘Girl, what did you just say to me?’ To my luck only seconds after that, we arrived at her house. I opened the back door as fast as I could and told her to get out before my mom whoops her. During this time my mom is also cussing her out in Spanish calling her everything you could think of. We get to her front door and before she opens it I told her, ‘this isn’t going to work out, it’s over, bye.’ Although she was selfish if really hurt me because it was my first relationship and it ended with my mom cussing her out.
Funny thing is, that during my high school graduation while we walked down the aisle to sit in our seats we had to walk in pairs, a boy, and girl. Guess who I got paired with… her. While walking down the aisle I hear a loud ‘puta’ from my mom. I couldn’t stop laughing. When we got to the end of the aisle she told me to go screw myself. I responded ‘I’m not the one who already has a kid.'”
A Princess Obsessed With Princess is a Clear Sign
“Senior year of high school, prom was coming up and this one girl who I kinda knew asked my friend if he would go to prom with her. He said yes, but a few days later changed his mind which was a 100% jerk thing to do. She however really wanted someone to go to prom and the guy that turned her down, along with some of my other mutual friends told me I should go with her which sounded like a good idea because she was kinda cute and I was going alone at that point.
A week or so later a few of us were hanging out at Nifty Fifties and they gave us those little paper hat things, and I wrote ‘Prom?’ on mine and she said yes. Sick! On the way home from asking her out, she said to me, ‘So how does it feel knowing that you’re going to prom with the birthday princess?!’
First Red Flag.
Upon further conversation, she told me that prom was going to be on her 18th birthday and because of that, she was definitely going to get prom queen (which would most likely be the absolute last reason I’d want to get prom queen in her situation).
Fast forward a week or so. I had just gotten home from school and I got a text from her asking if I wanted to go with her to pick out her shoes for prom. I should tell you all that halfway through my senior year I moved to another school district 40ish minutes away and my date lived like 15 minutes on the other side of the school, not to mention that the car I drove was a gas-guzzling machine and it was like $10 round trip when prices were high. I tried telling her that I had just gotten home and that it would take me an hour or so to get there and I had work that needed to get done (I also had zero interest in going but that’s beside the point). A reasonable excuse I thought.
She lost it.
She was saying all this stuff about how messed up it is that I wouldn’t do this for her and other random stuff that totally didn’t make sense. She then said, “I guess I’ll just ask Anthony to go with me!” Anthony was a close friend of mine who had off and on feelings for my date and they were close friends (there was a reason he didn’t ask her but I can’t remember). I told her to go ahead because that didn’t bother me. I wasn’t trying to date the girl, hell I wasn’t even trying to get laid. I purely asked her out because she was dying to go to prom with someone and I was single.
Flash forward to the day of prom.
A few days before prom she asked if she should get a tan. I told her I really don’t like that look, especially not awful spray tan. The day of prom she showed up looking like a carrot and her hands looked like that of a black person. Her tan was BAD. Uneven, blotchy, you name it. She was proud of it though so who was I to tell her otherwise? She said, ‘How does the birthday princess look?’ and I told her she looked beautiful. She also told me at that time where to meet her and her friends who I was now taking (which was news to me) but I bit my tongue and went along with it.
I get to her friend’s house 5 minutes early, and she is 45 minutes late. When she finally arrived she was wearing a tiara that read ‘Birthday Princess’. She and her friend probably took ~100 pics together and me and the other dude (who I hated but by the end of the night found out he was actually pretty cool) just sat to the side waiting for our turn for the pics. I think we took three together.
Now when I tell people this part of the story they get confused because apparently, my school was weird. We had this thing called “pre-prom” where basically we’d go up on stage in the auditorium walk out with our date, get pictures taken, and get judged for prom king/ queen. People do little cute things on stage in order to gain approval and to get more votes, some funny, some cute, some just walked out like normal.
What she made us do is that she walks on stage first looking around, I creep up behind her with a HUGE ‘happy birthday’ balloon (so everyone knew it was her birthday, tap her on the shoulder, and when she’d turn around, I’d be on one knee and put a sash on her that read ‘Birthday Princess’. It was cheesy. It was uncomfortable. I hated it.
So we get to prom and take our seat. We eat a little and then people start going on the dance floor. I ask if she wants to go dance but she says she’s not feeling well and I should just go. I obliged and danced for a good twenty minutes and when I look at her sitting down she looks very upset. I notice her staring at the boy who turned her down dancing with another girl, and I felt bad for her. I went up to her and told her to come to the floor and have fun with everyone and she again says she’s fine. A half hour passes before I walk up to her she looks at me dead in the eyes and before I can say anything she says snaps and says ‘You really need to learn when to leave me the heck alone!’
Well then…
I leave her at the table and go hang out with friends, people keep coming up to me asking where my date is, and then someone asks, ‘Why is she crying?’. The questions then turned to ‘What did you do to her?!’ It got to the point where even teachers and school faculty pulled me over asking if I did anything to upset her.
An hour passes and it’s time to announce prom king and queen. I sat down again and she calmed down by this point. She was telling the whole table how she HAS to be prom queen because it’s her birthday and she’s the ‘Birthday Princess’. I told her not to get her hopes up just in case it didn’t happen, and she didn’t like that at all.
She wasn’t prom queen. She wasn’t even nominated.
She ran out of the room crying.
After it was announced and people started dancing again, I went up to the aforementioned Anthony and told him if he wanted to dance with my date he could. He told me he would feel bad and didn’t want to do that to me, but I assured him it would be fine. I look over a little later, notice them slow-dancing and that was the happiest I had been all night. I then went off to dance with some of the other girls who didn’t have dates and for once prom was fun… to bad it ended twenty minutes later.
As everyone is gathering their things and clearing out my ‘date’ finds me again and says ‘I feel like you’re upset with me.’
I didn’t say a word.
She asked if we could go to Applebee’s because it’s her birthday and they love singing to her every year. First I told her she wasn’t special… they do that to everyone. That was a real slap in the face to her. Secondly, I told her by the time we got there we would only have 15 minutes before it closed. She told me that as long as we order before it’s closed we can stay there. As someone who was working as a dishwasher at the time, I knew how much of a jerk move that was. She said ‘Please! But I’m the birthday Princess’. I refused.
The drive home was one of the most uncomfortable car rides of my life. Every time we passed a restaurant: ‘Do you think Denny’s would sing to me?’… ‘Do you think the diner would sing to me’….’Do you think McDonald’s would sing to me?’
I have never met someone, yet alone an 18-year-old who was so obsessed with their birthday.
I pulled up to her other friend’s house (a bunch of people were going here after prom to hang out) and we all got out. As I was walking up the driveway I got the thought ‘What the Hell am I doing?’
I walked back to my car and drove away.
Long story short, while she wanted to feel like a princess I felt like 2017 Prince.
The day of prom at school, I asked my friend if he wanted to hang out after prom. He told me he wasn’t going because he was going to ask out the girl I was going with and didn’t want to go alone.
Fast forward a few months. I hadn’t spoken to the girl I want to prom with since I drove away. Literally not a word. It was the day of graduation and my one friend was having a graduation party. I went and lo-and-behold my date was there. A group of us started talking and out of nowhere she said ‘You know, the way you asked me to prom was cool, but the way that *__* (the kid who didn’t end up going to prom because I was going with her) would’ve asked me would’ve been SO much better!’ His plan was going to be to get the Snow White at Disney to ask this girl to prom because she was OBSESSED with Snow White. Like she cried on the senior trip to Disney when she saw her because she was so overwhelmed with excitement. Maybe the first red flag should’ve been that she was obsessed with princesses.”
Valentine’s Day with Everything But The Flowers Sets A Princess Off
Daniel M Ernst/
“For Valentine’s Day, I got her the following:
Tickets to an underground jazz performance in Brooklyn paired with Valentine’s Day dinner prepared by a famous chef
Imported Belgium chocolates
A homemade Valentine’s day card where I super imposed one of her Instagram pictures on the cover because I knew it would be special to her
An expensive gold necklace from Tiffany’s
A couple of romantic books she had been fawning over
Upon presenting her all this, she started crying uncontrollably that I didn’t get her flowers. She always envisioned getting flowers on Valentine’s Day. These were not happy tears.
Make sure you read the signs, gentlemen.”
“You Don’t Deserve That” is a Common Phrase With Princesses
“Took a girl out on a date two weeks ago.
At the end of the date, ‘I would offer to split half the check but to be honest you don’t deserve that. You are eating with ME after all’. Alright. Well, I was going to pay for the whole meal anyway, even the five glasses of wine your alcoholic ass got. Second, why even make that offer then? I didn’t ask you to pay and was not expecting it. At the end of the date, she proceeded to try and kiss me.
Seeing as she was an absolute mess after housing five glasses of wine, and being pretty pissed off already, I refused her advances and drove her home.
Cue the sobbing the whole ride back. Then she proceeded to tell all of our mutual friends that I was pushy and creepy. None of the friends believed her but still.”