People can be heartless with the way they choose to end a relationship. Whether you got dumped on your birthday, or while at work, it can be difficult to process a breakup that ends so terribly. But at the end of the day, you are your own person and can move on from the situation. Invest in yourself and you will see the ways your life can improve.
Heartlessly Ending It On The Day That Their Loved One Passed Away

1) “I got dumped an hour after we had to put my dog down, over the phone, while I was at Walmart. My mom then bought me Guitar Hero which made it better. Moms rule.”–
2) “9th grade, received a note from my girlfriend. She tells me I’m a great guy, but wants to break up because she’s into my best friend. She ends with a ‘P.S. Sorry about your aunt’ (my aunt died that morning).”–
3) “‘You’re freaking dead to me!!!’ (click). Ending a relationship of over two years – two days after burying my best friend, who killed himself.”–
4) “The day of my grandfather’s funeral. He said he couldn’t handle ‘my emotional stuff’. Definitely dodged a bullet with that one!”–
5) “She dumped me the day my Mom died because she didn’t like me crying…”–
6) “My ex-fiancĂ© and I were together for over 7 years. She told me she didn’t love me anymore on the morning of Christmas Eve, which was 12 days after my mom passed away.”–
7) “The day before my birthday and the day after my dog died. The day before the breakup, she made me sign a contract stating: ‘Right now you have one week to prove you aren’t a jerk or I WILL break up with you, and I’m serious this time.’ Basically, she was trying to forcefully change me to how she wanted me and right after our 1 year anniversary too. Didn’t see it coming.”–
8) “Woke up to find out one of my really good friends had passed away in a car wreck. Spent the day with his family. Went to my girlfriend’s house that night because I really needed her because I’d had to be strong all day for my friends family. When I get to my girlfriend’s, another friend of mine who I’d known for 5+ years was there. I was like WHAT? He pulls me aside and tells me that they’ve decided they want to be together and they’ve been sleeping together for a few months. I look at her and ask if it’s true and she nods. This was all a month before our 3 year anniversary. I had a ring purchased and was planning on proposing on our anniversary. After she nodded I looked back at the ‘friend’ and then I blacked out. I come back and I’m on top of him punching him over and over, realize what I’m doing, get up and I just leave.”
When They Decide To Just Completely Disappear

9) “The worst way I’ve ever been dumped is not being dumped. Just went back to dating her ex and became really awkward whenever I asked how her day was or if she wanted to hang out. Then just stopped responding. Finally one day I sent her a text along the lines of ‘Sooo…what’s going on with us?’ to which she responded ‘Nothing?’ and then confirmed she was seeing her ex. Had been into her since 9th grade when we flirted a ton, finally started dating the summer before grade 12. Only lasted three months. If it had been convoluted and horrible and involved a hospital or something I’d at least be able to milk tons of karma for it and explain to everyone why it felt so terrible.”–
10) “Together a year and a half and lived 3 hours-ish apart. Saw each other 2-5 days a week at my place or hers every week. Engaged. Happy as freakin’ clams and apparently were ideal together. Hit a brief, seemingly insignificant rough patch over something dumb. Didn’t get to see each other as much as she was doing an internship for culinary school, which I was helping fund. Talked on the phone one night, told me she loved me and she’d talk to me tomorrow. The following day her number had been changed. She’d moved, I later learned, in with her ‘other boyfriend,’ whom she’d apparently met a couple months prior. Never heard from her again. No explanation, no anything…just gone, with no way to know what the heck just happened. I mean, how anyone could do that, and I never saw the $12,000 she owed me, or the engagement ring. It screwed with me for years, and still does, in some ways.”–
11) “My first wife woke up on the 58th day of marriage, looked me in the eye and said, ‘This isn’t really working for me, I’m gonna go.’ I didn’t see her again until we were sitting in the lawyer’s office signing the papers.”–
12) “First serious relationship. We gave up our virginity to each other. Talked all the time, visited each other (I lived in Missouri-SO lived in Michigan), sent mail and care packages. I get up there for summer vaycay- go straight to visit him. Gave him a huge hug and went for a kiss- ‘We haven’t been talking much lately’. Avoided me for a few days, then meanwhile a mutual friend told me SO was back with their ex. The jerk never had the guts to say it.”–
13) “Dating a girl for 3 months. Gets pretty serious, she moves in. One day she says she’s not feeling that well, she is going to go see her parents. She says I love you as she walks out the door. Don’t hear from here for 2 days, no reply to texts or anything. Finally, call her parents, say she’s at the hospital but is ok. That night her parents come by to pick up all her things but don’t really give any insight as to what the heck is going on. After some calls to the hospital and google searches, I see she is in the rehab wing of the hospital. I call to talk to her but they won’t let me talk to her, but they say she is free to call me whenever she wants. Still not texts or anything. Then she starts posting selfies and stuff on facebook like nothing is wrong. Still to this day I have not talked to her since she walked out and said I love you. Such a bizarre ending to a great relationship.”–
14) “About a month in, we were great, in love, and happy. One day she said her parents are coming over for the weekend. I met them everything seemed fine. On Monday morning her parents left and so did she. No idea why and no idea what’s going on. I texted, called, emailed, her and her friends. No one knew what was going on. She was quite a private person, to begin with. I was extremely worried. Her dad then called me back because of my incessant calling and told me to stop calling she doesn’t want to talk to me. I was deeply hurt, the dad was very convincing. Three months later I moved on, and she appears again. Explaining to me that her parents forced her to go with them. Her parents were abusive so she ran away, and didn’t know where to go and came here. She was a different person, she became an alcoholic and a drug addict, I let her stay with me and tried to help her as much as I could. I was no longer in love with her but I still saw a glimpse of her past self. Maybe it was me, maybe it was her but one day she said she needed to leave, thanked me for all my help, we had a small discussion. I gave her some money and told her to call me if she ever needed anything. She then disappeared from my life once again. From the great thing called the internet, I found out that she is now living in California, healthy, married, and has a kid.”–
15) “She left with a grant to work in Switzerland for 2 months, I never heard back from her. This summer will be two years since it happened. So well, technically, we haven’t broken up, not sure if this counts.”–
16) “My girlfriend, who I lived with for 2 years, just suddenly left and I couldn’t get a hold of her at all. Didn’t hear from her for two weeks. Finally, she shows up for her stuff and comes clean that she had started using hard drugs and was living with another guy…”
Accidentally Finding Out Through Social Media

17) “My ex-husband changed his relationship status on FB from ‘married to [me]’ to ‘in a relationship with [gross woman]’ while sitting next to me on the couch. A mutual friend texted me…Yay.”–
18) “Found out through freaking Snapchat. Turns out he was mentally unstable. There were also a lot of vague Facebook rants and attention seeking.”–
19) “I had my ex’s old boyfriend blocked on Facebook. She unblocked him when I was asleep and I got this message at work the next day. ‘If you’re wondering if I’m back I am. She confessed her love to me. You need to respect this.’ I left work, rented a truck, and moved out while she was at work. I think the part that ticked me off the most was him using the word respect like he knew what respect actually was.”–
20) “In high school, my girlfriend went to fat camp for a summer (I was thin). Anyway, I wrote her letters every day that she was gone, but she never responded. (Just figured they were being strict about writing to people.) Finally, she comes back and calls me to say she doesn’t want to date me anymore. Soon afterward, she changed her relationship status on Facebook — to dating someone else. I can only suspect that she cheated on me there, but at least she didn’t give me a fat STD or something.”–
21) “I noticed that my Facebook page said that I was ‘In a relationship’ where it used to say ‘In a relationship with Jane Doe’. Hmmmm that’s kinda weird. Check HER Facebook page: ‘Single’.”–
22) “I was told over Facebook, and found out she was pregnant 3 days later. WE didn’t have any fights or anything she just broke it off, and she will not play ball in trying to work things out even know she’s carrying our child. She is a narcissistic princess and everything has to go her way perfectly.”–
23) “My last long term relationship was a really good one, in terms of crap breakups. We were together 3 years. I went to Germany for an internship, and with about 4 months left, my boyfriend tells me on facebook chat that he wants to break up, after having seen me in person a week before when I came home for the Easter stat holidays.”–
24) “I had plans to switch schools and had a place to live lined up down in Louisiana with him (I lived in Missouri). One weekend he tells me he is going to be at his grandmother’s house with family so he won’t be able to talk much. His grandma kinda lives in BFE so when he was out there his reception was pretty shoddy. Anywho, find out from his sister that he isn’t at his grandma’s. I try to call him, he ignores it. After calling I get a message on Facebook from a girl saying that I needed to leave him alone because he is with her at her parent’s house for the weekend along with a bunch of other really nasty stuff added in. Absolutely shattered my heart and I immediately got sick to my stomach. We had a lot of plans together for the future…”–
25) “I was in Africa teaching at an international school for a month. On my second week of being away, I called her for the second time to tell her everything was fine and I was having a great time. She responds, ‘So me and my ex, have been together since you left. I don’t know…he’s just there for me.’ Also because the internet was pretty awful I rarely used a computer. when I finally was able to get on Facebook I logged in only to see pictures of them together, a bunch of hateful messages in the inbox, and a whole bunch of people that I considered mutual friends talking bad about me.”–
26) “My high school girlfriend dumped me over Facebook, on Easter Sunday, which also happened to be my birthday that year. Insult to injury, she dumped me for her abusive ex-boyfriend who dropped out of high school the year prior.”–
27) “I got a Facebook message about a week after we were ‘officially’ together, saying she ‘just couldn’t do a relationship,’ then she went completely radio silent with me. Oh, also, that message came on Christmas day.”–
28) “Going to write something on his FB wall and seeing about 10 posts in the past two hours from another girl. Saw he was online, so I sent him a message. The jerk unfriended and blocked me within about 5 minutes.”–
29) “That would be my previous relationship. My boyfriend of over 2 years started ignoring me out of nowhere, I couldn’t get a hold of him for days. Finally did, he told me we were done because he needed space. I didn’t buy it, did some investigating & found pictures of him with another girl online he had met through the college program he was in at the time.”
Awkwardly Trapped With Them Afterwards

30) “At the cinema with a big group of friends – halfway through the film he leans over and whispers, ‘I just can’t do this anymore’, and proceeds to break up with me mid-film. Then awkwardly sit through the rest of the film and have to deal with our friends obviously not knowing that we had broken up when we exited the film and continued to hang out for the rest of the night.”–
31) “Dated for four years. We went to the beach with my family that weekend, and all drove in the same car. He and I rode in the backseat on the way home and I fell asleep on his shoulder. I woke up from a text from him saying he was dumping me…so not only did we treat this guy to a free vacation, he had the audacity to dump me while I was asleep, through a text, in front of my parents, while we were all trapped in a car for the next 3 hours. Looking back it was hilarious, but I definitely didn’t think so at the time.”–
32) “I was dating a girl for a couple/three years when we took a trip to LA (from Chicago) to visit her brother. We had a nice little weekend in LA, and when we reached cruising altitude on our return flight, she dumped me. I was trapped in a window seat on a dark plane, crying b/c I had just been blindsided. Of course, I still drove her home from the airport and even stopped at BK drive through b/c she wanted some food. Apparently, surprise dumpings make one hungry for reconstituted chicken and sawdust french fries.”–
33) “Well, she just pretty much stopped talking to me, with no explanation or anything. We were 18/19 at the time and were like 3 doors down in our university halls of residence and had already organized to live with each other and some friends for the next year. So it made things quite awkward.”–
34) “Traveled to Ecuador on spring break to visit my GF who was studying abroad. She broke up with me the second day I was there, and it was clearly premeditated (awkward from the very first greeting hug at the airport). No, the trip wasn’t a surprise, so she could have handled this before I spent a couple thousand dollars to see her.”–
35) “He walks me to my front door and then proceeds to break up with me. Okay, cool whatever. Wasn’t too big of a deal. Well I knock on the door and no one is home and I don’t have the key to my house to get in. So I awkwardly run to his car before he drives away and ask him to drive me to a friend’s house because I’m locked out. The most awkward car ride of my life…”–
36) “He cut his hair (which I had liked), took me on a date to see transformers 2 (it’s so awful), didn’t speak a word the whole time, then broke up with me at the start of the super awkward drive home.”–
37) “We stay in a romantic city. Laying there embracing/cuddling for an hour, at the start she says she has never been happier and she falls asleep in my arms napping for the hour. At the end of the hour she wakes up and I smile at her because she is looking so cute while she is still sleepy and she looks me in the eye and has the audacity to say ‘It is over’ most awkward next two days of my life until we got home…”
Don’t Breakup During The Holidays

38) “I was dumped by a girl on New Years Day. She had been acting a little off the month leading up to it but we both spent Christmas together and had a great time. On New Year’s Eve she went to bed super early (like 10 pm) and I thought that was odd and we slept apart that night but whatever no biggie. – On new years day she had the bright idea the night before that we should go do a Polar Bear Dip in Oakville, Ontario Canada. So we woke up early and went together to this insane event, we spend the whole morning together getting ready and then running into Lake Ontario, freezing and then running off to change. That all went fine but then afterward I drove her home and we went for a walk. As we get Starbucks and leave she brings it up and dumps me on New Years Day right after talking me into freezing my balls off in Lake Ontario. Ugh…lol. I guess not the WORST but felt pretty bad.”–
39) “Christmas day. We just finished exchanging presents with her family. I give her my $1500 worth of presents. She was going to give me mine after hers at my mom’s house. Load all presents for my family and I. We drive separately to my house and she doesn’t show up or answer. Check boxes and they were wrapped boxes of nothing but trash. Thanks for ruining Christmas for me, jerk.”–
40) “Three days after Christmas, while I had a 40°C fever, right before we wanted to spend New Years with friends in Norway.He still went to Norway. I didn’t and the flight tickets were non-refundable.”–
41) “I was in a relationship with a girl for 3 years. However, the last year of it was spent apart because I enlisted in the Marine Corps. Before I did any of it I talked with her and made sure she would be ok and we could get through the time apart before we could be together once I got stationed. I finish all my training a little after a year since I left for boot camp. Everything had been great between us. We skype all the time, we continued to ensure each other that we loved each other. We still wrote letters and sent each other gifts. Everything seemed great for the situation we were in. Then I’m finally almost done and I come home to spend a month there and celebrate thanksgiving and my birthday. 4 days after I get home she dumps me. No real reason except her saying “I don’t love you anymore.” And ‘it’s not you, it’s me.’ The usual excuse we all hear about. I come to find out she’s been cheating on me for 9 months out of the year with her 40+-year-old manager (she was 19) at work, sending him nudes and everything else you’d expect with that. If you wanna tear a man’s heart out and stomp all over it, that’s how it’s done. What a waste of my time, money, and love…”–
42) “New Years Party at a friend’s, my girlfriend (at the time) is in the kitchen getting wasted, I’m in the living room watching tv, also drinking. She texts me at 10:30 asking for her midnight New Years kiss, I texted back ‘Pass, I’ll kiss you in an hour or so.’, too drunk to understand, gets angry, leaves the party, never heard from her again. Seriously.”–
43) “A guy I was dating in college got me a seasonal job at a clothing store with him for over winter break. The night of Black Friday we both had to work 12 hour overnight shifts. He dumped me Thanksgiving day about 2 hours before our Black Friday shifts started. In which I had to go to work only to find his ex-girlfriend was also suddenly working there that night and they had gotten back together.”–
44) “Worst at the time but I did learn a good life lesson. We had talked about marriage and children but she was immature and really the final straw was she quit looking for work. I was planning on just ending it gently after the holidays because seriously, only jerky jerks dump someone near Christmas. So for thanksgiving, we visited her folks and she just acts odd and distant the whole weekend. I think she knew we weren’t going to work out. So flips out and throws a tantrum without telling me what the reason is, but I know she knows that I’m going to end it because I want a serious partner and children. So her parents and brother didn’t want to handle it so she drove me to the airport in complete silence and I never looked back when I left. Never heard from her again. Anyway expensive and time wasting endeavor.”–
45) “I got dumped on Christmas Eve, at her family’s Christmas party. And it was after I got drunk…for a gay guy.”–
46) “Christmas morning when I went to pick her up from a friend’s place. I was to eat over at her parent’s place. I had nothing to eat at my place. Next to nothing was open around town. I had opted out of traveling to my family’s event out of state. Friends were either out of town or with their fam. No food, no family, no friends, No girlfriend. Empty house, empty belly, empty heart… She had been living at my house for the past 2yrs, moved out on New Year’s Eve. And rented the house 3 houses over from my house that I own (So I’m not moving anytime soon). I had to see her car every day, her new boyfriend’s car. She rented at that house for 2yrs. 1st year I was a wreck and not suitable for a relationship. Still, to this day, I drive past it and often reminded of how awful of an experience that was. Oh, incidentally, just around the block is the house of which my first college girlfriend had dumped me… On the 4th of July.”