You Might Want To Think Twice Before Messing With Your Web Developer
I decided that I was going to delete the site. He seemed curiously surprised somehow. I giggled. He later wanted the website restored and said he would pay me with stolen school merchandise. I told him I wasn’t going to steal from children and teachers just so he could have leverage over me.
Another time, I had made a website allowing people to send messages between the members of the school board. He later wanted me to send him the messages so he could ‘vet’ them. I added him to the CC of every message. I was then asked in a board meeting why he was also getting these messages and I told them why he felt entitled to their private communications. They talked to him. When I put in my notice there, he came to my cubicle on a busy floor and told me I’d have to pay them back for the training they sent me to. He said it so quietly, too. So, I asked him if he was threatening me, but I said it loudly so everyone came to see what was up.
He literally fled. What a freaking jerk.”
“What Was He Going To Do? Fire me?”
“I had an issue where our district manager was purposely not correcting my pay to reflect the raise I’d been promised. So, after six weeks of him blowing me off, I called corporate HR and they came down on him like the fires of Mount Doom.
He drove to my store and tore into me in front of customers for ‘not being a team player’ and going over his head.
Six months later, we were informed our store was closing and the employees could transfer to other stores. Oh, but not me, I was told I’d never be welcome in the company again because I ‘wasn’t a team player’ so I would just be laid off after the store closed… Then he told me he also needed me to oversee shipping our product out to other stores based on a list he had made.
Yeah, none of those stores got what he wanted on that list. I spent three weeks shipping whatever to whoever, playing my own music over the store speakers, and telling customers about a whole bunch of exploitable loopholes in store policies and systems.
What was he going to do? Fire me?”
The Employee Made Life Difficult For Everyone
“I was working for a huge clothing store chain as a temp student worker one summer many years ago. I worked there for two days before one of the employees started acting weird around me and bossing me around (we weren’t working in the same department so she shouldn’t even have been telling me anything). She started coming to the changing rooms where I was folding the discarded clothes to talk on the internal phone next to me to say, ‘Oh my God, the new student hasn’t even finished what you asked her to do yet. She’s wasting my time,’ and basically just being demeaning for no reason.’
One day, I realized she was following me around the store, hiding behind clothes racks or watching me while pretending to be folding pants (she wasn’t even in her own area so she stuck out like a sore thumb). At one point, she started coming up to me to berate me for the smallest things. She would leave and come back every few minutes, doing the same routine until she had a ‘real’ grievance about something I forgot to pick up in the stock room, then she’d sent me there to do it immediately.
I had been in the stockroom only a few minutes when guess who walked in? The crazy stalker.
She started yelling at me and telling me everything I did wrong. She said I was sitting around instead of working (I sat once to do my shoelaces) and said, ‘You’re messing up MY store’ (she was barely above me, only working 20 hours a week).
I listened and replied to some things, until she got to the end of her rant and delivered what was supposed to be her mic drop line: ‘Well, anyway, you’re just a freaking temp worker!’
I just looked at her and said, ‘Well, yeah, I’m a student, I’m just here to pay my plane ticket to go on vacation, you’re stuck here.’
The best part was that she went to talk to the floor manager afterward, saying I yelled at her and called her all kinds of names, the manager came up to me and told me that the girl was crazy and was doing the same thing every time a new temp student came in. It got to the point they had a hard time finding student workers.
I asked the day after to be sent to another store.”
Don’t Try To Modify The Chef’s Special
“I once worked in a casual-fine dining restaurant for a young, creative, blunt female chef. We made everything in-house and the specials came ‘as-is.’ No modifications, no ingredient swapping for this or that… take it or order something else. The owner/chef would back us up on this.
Enter this jerk, who ordered the special. A bacon cheeseburger, with bacon jam in/on the burger, fries soaked in bacon grease, a side of bacon etc. He asks for no bacon on the burger, different sides, different toppings, etc. I told him that, unfortunately, I could not modify the special, it came as is, and I suggested he order something else. However, he was NOT happy with me!