I recently asked our readers to share what book (or books) got them totally hooked on reading, and here is what they said! Below are some of the many, many answers. The childhood nostalgia is too real!
“I read The Giver for a school project in 4th grade. It was then I realized how a great story could grab you and give you emotions. That’s when I started reading things non school related.”
“My ADHD brain could never read one at a time so a mixture of Goosebumps, Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.”
“The Cat Ate My Gym Suit, Tales of Fourth Grade Nothing, and Bunnicula.”
“Goosebumps and Animorphs. I LOVED those growing up”
“My mother often tells the story of how when I was about 2 years old (I’m 20 now) I would climb over my baby gate and get the romance novels she kept on a shelf and look at them for hours. Now mind you these were at least 200 pages each and had no pictures. So I guess you could say I’ve always been into reading. However the earliest book series I remember reading were the Teacher From The Black Lagoon books.”

“I don’t remember the first book cause I love to read, but for my birthday one year, my mother got me the Chronicles of Vladimir Todd by Heather Brewer. I love her books, but I love a lot of authors and their book so I don’t have a favorite cause I love them all.”
“The goosebumps books! One of my favs was Deep Trouble. I still have all my old ones in storage”
“The Bad Kitty series when I was in elementary school! My mom would buy them for me at the scholastic book fairs. And then Harry Potter, but I read them all out of order. I read the second one first because my grandmother had bought it for me years before and she had just passed away at the time (I read them all out of order but I had seen the first 5 movies already).”
“A Collected Works of Edgar Allen Poe in the 4th grade. The Black Cat was the first story that transported me to another time and place.”

“Flowers in the Attic by VC Andrews. I actually loved Judy Blume before that”
“Probably Pony Pals. It was my first chapter book. What really made the impact, however, was the gift from a teacher of a book in that series shortly afterwards. I don’t celebrate holidays and she respected that but didn’t want to leave me out from student gifts, which I was accustomed to. Her kind act nurtured my love of reading in a profound way.”
“The first book I read on my own was Harold and the Purple Crayon when I was 2 years old. I’ve been hooked ever since.”
“Little House on the Prairie. My mom read them to us when we were little, and they were the first books I remember being so excited to read on my own.”
“Dragons of Autumn Twilight. Read the Dragonlance Chronicles and Legends series when I was in middle school. I wasn’t a super big reader before that. Like I’d read stuff for school of course, but that was the first book (series) I remember reading just for fun – and more than once too. Harry Potter could also be given some credit, as well as The Wayfarer Redemption series.”