Can't wait to see these places one day!
Enjoy Illinois highlighted a few of the many stops on Route 66, and as an Illinois native, I need to see them all! Here are my top ten picks of Illinois Route 66 stops.
1. Gemini Giant – Wilmington

2. World’s Largest Covered Wagon – Lincoln

3. Illinois Route 66 Hall of Fame and Museum – Pontiac

4. Pink Elephant Antique Mall – Livingston

5. Cozy Dog Drive In – Springfield

6. Paul Bunyon Hotdog Statue – Atlanta

7. Ambler Texaco Station – Dwight

8. Lauterbach Giant – Springfield

9. World’s Largest Catsup Bottle – Collinsville

10. Amble’s Texaco Station – Dwight

Brb, gonna go for a drive!